Blizzard has finally confirmed that World of Warcraft Season of Discovery will be getting Megaservers for its release on November 30, 2023. Classic WoW deserves all of the love it can get from both fans of the franchise, and developers that have been playing the game ever since its early days.
Many are excited about this as this not only means that the devs are listening to community feedback but also delivering a more enjoyable experience for both new and veteran players alike.
We will be looking over the recent blue post and analyzing the player base's sentiment around this exciting news for the dearly beloved MMORPG. Let's get started!

WoW SoD Megaservers
It is not a surprise to anyone how much success Blizzard has had with the release of WoW Classic on August 27, 2019. Thousands upon thousands of players were queuing up to get a taste of what World of Warcraft was like all the way back on November 23, 2004.
And now with Season of Discovery on the horizon, Blizzard is looking to set the stage right, just like they did for their official Classic Hardcore servers. Here are some excerpts from the blog post.
You may have noticed with the launch of Classic Hardcore that there weren’t a lot of realms. Was Hardcore’s launch a small experience? Heck no! Hardcore continues to be experienced by a huge number of players, and we have been thrilled to see so many players, new and old, join in to experience World of Warcraft Classic in a new, exciting way.
With veteran players driven by nostalgia, fond memories of their youth, and new players wanting to experience what gaming was like in the past, everything led to a spectacular resurgence in the love for World of Warcraft as many amassed at Orgrimmar and Stormwind to fight once again for the glory of their factions.

For Season of Discovery, we’re going to repeat this process. We will launch a handful of realms that can support a lot of players, so you can feel confident in your choice of realm. Please note: we will actively manage the realm sizes at launch, so you might see sporadic queues as the populations spread out and we ensure realm sizes remain roughly equal.
This is fantastic news for players waiting to get their hands on WoW Season of Discovery. Having a balanced faction distribution will ensure that no server is overpopulated, leaving players to abandon their friends or switch over to the opposing side.
Your requests for faction balance have been heard loud and clear. This is a new direction for us, and one that we’re excited to try.
This part of the blog post also shows how much passion and care the devs have for this project as Season of Discovery will start with a level cap of 25, but Blizzard has shared that they will slowly further expand the content and levels as the game goes on.

It is nice to hear that the community is being listened to, which also further increases faith in the developers to create another fantastic journey in Azeroth through new colors and spells.
Summary and Community Reactions
At the end of the day, the hype surrounding Season of Discovery has people ecstatic for what's to come, as new talents, spells, classes, and roles will be just the iceberg in WoW Classic.
With us now knowing that Blizzard is also taking steps to ensure that more players are able to bond and experience the world of Azeroth together with their like-minded allied races, PvP will certainly have even more weight, adding to the game's overall sense of community.
In order for a world to feel alive, the players need to be engaged with their surroundings, including the friends they might make along the road, or the enemies they might face.
Most players are flabbergasted hearing that Blizzard is putting in so much effort for WoW Classic.
Others remain a bit critical as the devs themselves have shared the PvP Faction Balancing is something new for them as well, but nevertheless, the approach and mindset is what makes the players rejoice.