World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery just launched and the developers at Blizzard are already looking ahead. In a recent sneak peek video they released, they go into a lot of details about the next stage of the season. Among these things are information about what the next level cap is going to be, as well as the next big raid. In this article we are going to go over everything new that was revealed about Phase 2 of Season of Discovery:
New Level Cap - 40
In the video, Senior Game Producer Josh Greenfield, Lead Software Engineer Nora Valletta, and host Bethany Stout confirm that the next level band in Season of Discovery is going to be from level 25 to level 40. While the timing on this increase is not yet confirmed, Blizzard developers have talked about keeping the different phases relatively short from eachother.
If you are wondering which zones are going to become relevant in the upcoming 25-40 level band, some of them include fan-favorites such as Stranglethorn Vale and Alterac Mountains:
Zone | Level Range |
Thousand Needles | 25-35 |
Alterac Mountains | 30-40 |
Arathi Highlands | 30-40 |
Desolace | 30-40 |
Stranglethorn Vale | 30-45 |
Dustwallow Marsh | 35-45 |
Badlands | 35-45 |
Swamp of Sorrows | 35-45 |
New Level 40 Raid - Gnomeregan
Similar to Blackfathom Deeps, the next dungeon that will be recreated into Raid content is going to be Gnomeregan. While there were some teases about this at BlizzCon, now it's officialy confirmed by the developers. This is already one of the longer dungeons in Classic at that level range, so it does seem like a perfect choice to become a Raid. Here is a list of bosses that currently reside in the dungeon, which we expect go receive big changes in Season of Discovery:
- Grubbis
- Viscous Fallout
- Electrocutioner 6000
- Crowd Pummeler 9-60
- Dark Iron Ambassador (Rare)
- Mekgineer Thermaplugg

That is everything we know about the next stage in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery. The future is looking bright with a brand new experience capping at level 40, as well as a brand new Raid to test your skills in. If you are intested in more Season of Discovery content, check out the rest of our website!