The devs at Blizzard are working hard on the last phase of Season of Discovery as many players were somewhat disappointed by the previous two phases. Not only were the new events, class balance updates, items, and runes met with harsh criticism, but it seems the community was hellbent on providing feedback for everything that went wrong.
Having that in mind, the WoW Classic team launched the first World of Warcraft Season of Discovery PTR to allow players to test new changes and content as well as provide adequate resources to the devs so they can adjust as needed. Given the very experimental nature of SoD, it can be quite difficult to hit the sweet spot both in terms of balance and fun, so that is why we are seeing constant updates to the PTR.
This time around, Warriors are being targeted to ensure that not only the players have a good time playing their characters, but also get to experience a new way of playing their favorite class.
WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR Warrior Changes

- Raging Blow has been adjusted:
- The damage of Raging Blow increased to 100% of weapon damage.
- Raging Blow cooldown is reduced by 1 second when you use another melee ability while enraged.
Developer’s Notes: Warriors have been given more and more ways to become Enraged, but few tools to use once enraged. With Raging Blow being rather weak, Enraged Regeneration competing with Rallying Cry, and Rampage being in competition with other runes we felt it was time to give it a buff and play more into these runes having more depth to them by themselves.
- Consumed by Rage also makes Whirlwind strike with both equipped weapons while Enraged.
Developer’s Notes: This additional effect on Consumed by rage helped give it an identity where before it lacked one. Frenzied Assault was already a good two-handed rune that works well for Warriors that want to swing their two-hander more frequently, so having this be a dedicated dual wielding rune made sense.
- Bloodsurge now causes Slam to hit with both equipped melee weapons.
Developer’s Note: As with the note above, this change is intended to give Bloodsurge a unique identity since it is so similar to Precise Timing.
- The Endless Rage rune has been moved to the head slot.
Developer’s Note: Endless Rage has been on a slot where it competes against a lot of really fun runes which tend to make this have a relatively low selection rate. We feel that moving it to a slot where Fury DPS Warriors have felt they have no option makes a lot of sense. This will increase their ability to press their buttons, and give higher resource generation which is especially welcome for times when world buffs are not available.
And that covers all of the notable class changes to Warriors in the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR. Although more updates are likely to come before the official launch of the final phase, we can see that devs are working hard on making sure that they do not miss the mark this time. You can review the patch notes, here.