World of Warcraft has introduced a lot of changes in Season of Discovery. New items, class runes, mobs, and quests enhance the Vanilla setting and bring even more fun to the game. Players are running frantically to explore all of the new secrets in Azeroth.
With SoD comes also a new item type called Waylaid Supplies. We will take a look at what they do in the game and how you can make the most out of them when leveling and trying to get large amounts of gold. Let's get started!

WoW SoD - What Do Waylaid Supplies Do?
What are Waylaid Supplies? It is an item that you can turn in either by fulfilling the item requirements to get more loot, experience, and reputation or you can turn in the item itself only for a smaller amount of loot, experience, and reputation for either the Azeroth Commerce Authority or Durotar Supply and Logistics for Alliance and Horde, respectively.
This new type of item is available for both factions as any level 6 or above mob can drop it. Waylaid Supplies come in various forms with the key difference being that the requirement changes from item to item. In the example above, you need to turn in 20 Peaceblooms to complete the shipment and get the best rewards. This means that the materials you need to obtain are from gathering and crafting professions.
Waylaid Supplies are also separated into level categories, level 10, and level 25. Please note that you stop gaining reputation from level 10 supplies once you reach Friendly with your corresponding faction. Another thing to note is that you can only carry 1 item at a time.
WoW SoD - Where to Turn in Waylaid Supplies?
There are separate NPCs that can accept Waylaid Supplies. There is one in each race's major city in Azeroth.
Here are the Alliance locations for Azeroth Commerce Authority representatives:
- Elaine Compton is in Stormwind (coordinates 55.0, 61.6)
- Tamelyn Aldridge is in Ironforge (coordinates 24.6, 67.2)
- Marcy Baker is in Darnassus (coordinates 60.0, 56.4)
Here are the Horde locations for Durotar Supply and Logistics representatives:
- Jornah is in Orgrimmar (coordinates 51.6, 64.6)
- Dokimi is in Thunder Bluff (coordinates 39.8, 53.4)
- Gishah is in Undercity (coordinates 64.6, 38.2)
WoW SoD - What Rewards Do Waylaid Supplies Give?
The Waylaid Supplies in Season of Discovery also bring goodies to those who wish to help their respective faction's cause. You gain silver, experience, and reputation which scales with your character's level. Not only can you get a good amount of silver, but you can also raise your reputation so you can buy green gear, and a 10-slot bag.
Once you reach Honored level, you will be able to purchase your class's corresponding runes for 4 gold and 50 silver each. Please note that each class has only one specific rune that can be purchased from Azeroth Commerce Authority or Durotar Supply and Logistics representatives.
Final Thoughts
This new mechanic adds a breath of fresh air to the game by further enhancing the general feeling of being a part of a world with many players roaming and exploring Azeroth. The sense of community will only be increased as we go deeper into Season of Discovery, with Blizzard actively pursuing an environment where players help each other out and offer a fundamentally better way of communicating to achieve common goals.
Not only do you feel more attached to the world you play in, but you get even more out of the World of Warcraft experience by plunging into new adventures either conquering the new 10-man Blackfathom Deeps raid or grinding out supplies to aid your faction in the future clashes that will be revealed in Phase 2 of SoD.