Sometimes you find yourself in situations where you would like to play World of Warcraft, but you see the dreaded message that servers are undergoing maintenance.
Rest assured, we've all been there, but luckily you can learn how to quickly check the server status and save yourself the headache.
In this quick and simple guide, you will learn how you can review if there is any ongoing maintenance and see when you can hop back in WoW. Let's get cracking!
When Does World of Warcraft Maintenance Occur?
World of Warcraft (for both Classic and Retail servers) has regular maintenance every Tuesday within these typical timeframes:
- US Region: Tuesdays from 07:00 to 08:00 PST.
- EU Region: Wednesdays from 03:00 to 04:00 CEST.
For any major patches, maintenance might last up to 8 hours to ensure that the servers are stable and ready to handle all of the new content so players can enjoy the game without any additional interruptions.
How to Check World of Warcraft Server Status?
The maintenance schedule is always subject to change based on development needs. To stay updated, check the following official WoW channels weekly to check the World of Warcraft Server status as well as the maintenance schedule.
- World of Warcraft Twitter feed
- Blizzard CS Twitter for NA region
- Blizzard CS Twitter for EU region
- Check the WoW Maintenace Schedule on Blizzard's website

If servers are down outside of the scheduled maintenance hours, contact Blizzard support for further assistance. During maintenance periods you can expect the following:
- Inability to log in or play
- Disconnections from active games
- Bug fixes, hotfixes, and optimization
- New content patches
You will also see a yellow message in your Battle.net Launcher indicating scheduled maintenance.
That should be everything you need to know about how to handle any future server issues or scheduled maintenance. Please keep in mind that Blizzard's CS Twitter accounts share frequent updates if you have exhausted all of the sources of information mentioned above.
If you are still running into any issues, do not hesitate to contact the customer support team, here. With that being said, we wish you happy questing and raiding in WoW!