World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has introduced a new 10-man raid with 7 different bosses for you to conquer during Phase 1. Blackfathom Deeps has been fashioned into the first Raid for SoD with more to come in the following phases. You can check out our comprehensive guide for all of the bosses in BFD here.
Since you are capped at level 25 during Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, this raid will introduce you to some basic mechanics and things to look out for when facing other PvE threats. We are providing a quick rundown of what to expect when encountering Aku'mai as the last boss of the raid. Let's see what lurks in the depths below Ashenvale!

WoW SoD BFD Raid Aku'mai Abilities

Aku'mai has several abilities you need to look out for. We will take a look at all of them so you can better understand how to deal with this tough final boss in Season of Discovery Phase 1.

Hateful Bite
- Aku'mai turns and bites the target with the highest threat other than the current tank, similar to Patchwerk.

- A stacking debuff that deals 50 damage every 3 seconds that he applies with his other abilities.

Corrosive Blast
- Every 20 seconds, Aku'mai targets a random player and after 3 seconds will channel a breath in their chosen direction, applying stacks of Corrosion to anyone hit. Must be avoided.

Dark Protection
- At 50% HP Aku'mai casts this, reducing the damage he takes by 99% until his phase transition is complete.

Shadow Seep
- A stacking debuff that reduces max HP by 10% and increases shadow damage taken by 25% that he applies with his other abilities.

Void Fang
- Once he's sub 50%, he'll replace Corrosive Bite with this, applying a stack of Shadow Seep.

Void Blast
- Once he's sub 50%, he'll replace Corrosive Blast with this, applying stacks of Shadow Seep.

Cleansing Pool
- At each corner of the room, these pools will cleanse anyone who steps inside of either Corrosion or Shadow Seep but it will corrupt the pool and summon a small elemental for each stack cleansed.
WoW SoD BFD Raid Aku'mai Encounter

Aku'mai has two phases, the second one is reached when he gets to 50% HP. We will take a look at some basic tips for you to be able to handle the boss during both phases.
Phase 1
The tank will have to pull the boss at his spawn as the other players form a circle around Aku'mai to minimize the impact his Corrosive Blast ability might have. It is crucial to avoid all possible stacks of Corrosion as the healers will quickly be out of mana if they attempt to heal you.
Once the tank begins stacking Corrosion, they will have to quickly go to the closest Cleansing Pool so they remove the debuff once at 3-4 stacks. Keep in mind that the pool will become corrupted and it will apply stacks of Corrosion if you stand in it, as adds spawn from it for you to focus down. The unused Cleansing Pools return mana so keep that in mind.
The most important things you need to look out for are to avoid Corrosive Blast and kill the adds coming from the Cleansing Pools as quickly as possible.
Phase 2
Once Aku'mai hits 50% HP, he will cast Dark Protection and return to his spawn place as he visually becomes engulfed with shadow energy. His abilities will now deal shadow magic damage so keep that in mind.
Once again, the tank and off tank will have to either swap stacks of Shadow Seep or use the Cleansing Pools mechanic, but it would be ideal to simply focus down the boss if your group is feeling confident.
The most important things to look out just like in Phase 1 are to avoid any unnecessary Shadow Seep stacks and to make use of the Cleansing Pools if necessary. Your healers will thank you.
Joardee has made an amazing video for all of the bosses in Blackfathom Deeps so we highly recommend checking it out for yourselves, here: