World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is unfortunately no stranger to botting as the other versions of the game currently. More and more players are reporting possible bots taking over certain areas in the game, not only denying players from leveling their characters and completing quests but also beginning to infect the in-game economy.
Gold buying is another symptom of the game for which Blizzard has yet to find an effective way of treating the overarching problem that ruins the fun for everyone trying to play the game without violating ToS or abusing and gaining an unfair advantage. Sadly, even popular WoW streamers and content creators have admitted to buying gold in unethical ways.
Will Season of Discovery be able to quickly deal with the bots in the game, or will Blizzard Entertainment continue enabling this awful behavior ruining the experience for many a player? Let us take a closer look at the underlying problems that players are currently facing in World of Warcraft.
WoW SoD Botting Ruining the Fun For Everyone

Despite the recent launch of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, bots are now starting to infect the servers, predominantly in the form of Hunters with strange names and pets with Chinese characters or Mages stuck attacking the new frozen mobs that give you runes for your class.
Although previous attempts at thwarting the endless bot waves have seemed futile, players are not giving up on reporting them to stop this plague in its tracks before it becomes unstoppable to deal with. A lot of the criticism coming from the community stems from players thinking that Blizzard Entertainment is short on GMs to take the necessary steps of banning all of the bot accounts that enable the massively-adapted gold-buying behavior among players.
WoW SoD Gold Buying a Symptom of a Bigger Problem

Gold buying is and will always be a part of the game, unfortunately. People are notorious for wanting to find easy ways to advance in the game without putting in the needed amount of time and effort. This enables a toxic environment where you are rewarded for taking shortcuts instead of playing the game as intended whilst failing to understand that they are actively cheating and breaking ToS.
It seems that the decisions made by Blizzard Entertainment to introduce cosmetic items purchasable with real-world money have slowly started seeping into the minds of players giving them an excuse to spend even more money on in-game items as the business model has overwhelmingly overtaken the modern gaming industry.
Unfortunately, many developers and studios are forced into this system where players are rewarded for spending money on items that are otherwise unobtainable by playing the game, and this leads to a major shift in the way we play games nowadays.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the threat of botting and gold buying taking over Season of Discovery is not to be underestimated given the current circumstances of the gaming world. If Blizzard does not act accordingly this time around, the potential of SoD might quickly be overshadowed by the swarm of bots blissfully farming mobs in a single area so players can purchase gold from them.
Here are some great points and feedback from the community as this issue remains a hot topic every day on the internet: