Delve into the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 and harness the potential of a diverse array of runes designed for the Paladin class. Some runes have already been uncovered, and we're here to reveal their locations. Explore our detailed guide to locate and find all available Paladin Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
WoW SoD Paladin Runes & Locations

Seal of Martyrdom Rune - Chest
It fills you with holy spirit for 30 sec, causing each of your melee attacks to deal 30% weapon damage to your target, but you lose health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted. While this seal is active, your party and raid members within 40 yards each gain mana equal to 10% of damage you take from this seal.
Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 70% weapon damage at the cost of health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted.
Seal of Martyrdom
- Talk to the NPC in Stormwind Cathedral, then pick up a note in the Cathedral Catacombs. Kill the lady on an island between Westfall and Elywnn Forest and you'll get the Seal of Martyrdom.

Divine Storm Rune - Chest
An instant weapon attack that causes 110% of weapon damage to up to 4 enemies within 8 yards. The Divine Storm heals up to 3 party or raid members totaling 25% of the damage caused.
Divine Storm Rune Location
- To obtain this rune the fist step is to click on the orb at the top of the Tower of Althalaxx in Northern Darkshore. Afterwards, speak to Delgren the Purifier, at Maestra's Post in Ashenvale, and he'll give you a quest. Turn the quest to Katherine the Pure and take the 'A Second Opinion quest'. Once finished, you'll get another WoW quest from Ursula Deline, asking you to kill Blackrock Summoner in Redridge Mountains. Take the next qyest, sending you off to kill Searing Infernal Felguard and Mannoroc Lasher. Locate Mannoroth's weapons (w/ 89,77), click on the circle under them and an orb will drop, giving you one more mission. Once you return to Delgren you'll get the Divine Storm Rune.

Horn of Lordaeron Rune - Chest
The Paladin blows the Horn of Lordaeron, which increases total Strength and Agility of all party members within 30 yards by 6. Lasts 2 min. Exclusive with Blessing of Might.
Horn of Lordaeron
- Dwarf: Inside of one of the Loch Modan Tavern rooms downstairs, on the table, you will find a libram which gives a quest to buff 5 different people. Complete it and you'll recieve the Horn of Lordaeron

Aegis Rune - Chest
Increases your block value by 30% and damaging melee and ranged attacks against you have a 10% chance to increase your chance to block by 30%. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks. Effect not cumulative with Redoubt, as well as a 10% proc chance.
Human: In orgedr to get Aegis use Cleanse at the paladin at the end of Jasperload Mines, a new section with spiders. You must be at level 8 to learn Cleanse.
Dwarf: For Dwarfs, in front of the gates of Gnomeregan, west of Dun Morogh, you will find an NPC called Wounded Adventurer. Use the spell Purify and talk to him and get the rune.

Divine Sacrifice Rune - Legs
30% of all damage taken by party members within 30 yards is redirected to the Paladin for 10 sec. Damage which reduces the Paladin below 20% health will break the effect and grant the paladin 10% increased damage and healing done for 10 sec. Divine Sacrifice cannot be used while you are under the effects of Blessing of Protection, Divine Shield, or Divine Protection, and prevents you from being targeted by those abilities while it is active.
Divine Sacrifice Rune Location:
- You can buy the Divine Sacrifice Rune from the Season of Discovery vendor Grizzby.

Inspiration Exemplar Rune - Legs
Your inspiring presence periodically dispels Fear and Sleep effects on nearby party members.
Inspiration Exemplar Rune
Human: The Inspiration Exemplar rune is located east of the hill, just east of Jerod's Landing. Head to the Adventurer's Remains on the ground. Right-click to summon a portal and have a second paladin (or priest) right-click to summon an Adventurer's Spirit. When the mob dies, both of you can loot the mob.
Dwarf: Dwarfs can find Inspiration Exemplar west of Kharanos, inside the wendigo cave. There is an Adventurer's Remains on the ground. Right-click to summon a portal and have a second paladin (or priest) right-click to summon an Adventurer's Spirit. When the mob dies, both of you can loot the mob.

Avenger's Shield Rune - Legs
Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing (366 */ 100 + 0.091 * Spell power + 0.091 * Attack power) to (448 */ 100 + 0.091 * Spell power + 0.091 * Attack power) Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Lasts 10 seconds.
Avenger's Shield Rune Location
Alliance: In order to get the Avenger's Shield Rune in SoD you'll have to defeat the rare spawn orc in Northern Blackrock Orc cave of Redridge Mountains.

Rebuke Rune - Legs
Iterrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
Rebuke Rune
Speak to the Bartender in the Park in Stormwind abd she'll tell you her bar isn't doing well because of a local drunk. Defeat him and get the rune.

Beacon of Light Rune - Gloves
The target becomes a Beacon of Light to all members of your party or raid within a 40 yard radius. Any heals you cast on party or raid members will also heal the Beacon for 100% of the amount healed. Only one target can be the Beacon of Light at a time. Lasts 1 minute.
Beacon of Light Rune Location
- The Beckoning Light rune can be bought once players gain Honored with the new Supply Factions, Durotar Supply and Logistics for Horde players and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players.

Cusader Strike Rune - Gloves
An instant strike that causes 75% weapon damage and regenerates 2% of your maximum mana.
Cusader Strike Rune
Human: Human Paladins get a quest to recover a stolen Libram from the Defias in Elwynn Forest, across the river. It's a chance drop and which is done along with gathering bandanas. When you find the Libram, equip it, then judge enemies 10 times. You will become Inspired (buff). Use the equipped Libram and it will teach you the Crusader Strike rune. Requirest level 4 use Judgment.

Hand of Reckoning Rune - Gloves
Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you.
While you know this ability, the threat bonus from Righteous Fury is increased to 80% and Righteous Fury causes you to gain mana when healed by others equal to 25% of the amount healed. Additionally, while Righteous Fury is active, damage which takes you below 35% health is reduced by 20%. Righteous Fury will remain active until cancelled
Hand of Reckoning Rune
- Head to Stonesplinter Valley in Loch Modan and find the Sunken Reliquary inside the cave. It will contain Libram of Justice. Kill 10 enemies while they are stunned by Hammer of Justice to recieve the Hand of Reckoning Rune.