As World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 unfolds, each class is bestowed with a set of 12 distinctive runes. While we eagerly await details on the Warrior runes, the anticipation among WoW SoD players is obvious, promising exciting changes and new content in Azeroth.
Stay tuned for updates as we delve into all 12 Warrior runes and their locations. Did you know that the Victory Rush rune for Warriors was the first one to be discovered in Season of Discovery and it was actually used in Blizzard's promotional materials? Our comprehensive guide aims to empower you to optimize your builds and discover your unique playstyle in WoW Classic+. Let the exploration begin!
WoW SoD Warrior Runes & Locations

Flagellation Rune - Chest
Gain a 25% bonus to Physical damage done for 12 sec after activating Bloodrage or Berserker Rage.
Flagellation Rune
Go to western Duskwood, specifically Raven Hill, then enter the north eastern crypt. Head down and take a left into the first big room, where you'll find the Decrepit Phylactery. Next, travel to the crypt in western Raven Hill and into the room that has a stone throne. In it you will discover Slumbering Bones that you can use the Decrepit Phylactery on. You will spawn an Elite Lich that casts Banish. After defeating it it will drop the Flagellation Rune in Season of Discovery.

Blood Frenzy Rune - Chest
Gain 3 Rage every time you deal deal Bleed damage.
Blood Frenzy Rune
Dwarf and Gnome: Blood Frenzy drops off of rares in Dun Morogh, as confirmed by Wandering Swordsman.
Human: Head between the Stonefield Farm and Fargodeep Mine. In order to get the rune, challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Elwynn Forest.
Night Elf: Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Teldrassil (/
way 62.7, 71.9 ) and you'll recieve Blood Frenzy. -
Forsaken: Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Tirisfal Glades and you'll get the rune.
Orc and Troll: Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Durotar (/
way 38, 48 ) and recieve the Blood Frenzy Rune. -
Tauren: Get the rune by challenging the Wandering Swordsman in Mulgore.

Raging Blow Rune - Chest
A ferocious strike that deals 100% weapon damage, but can only be used while Enrage, Berserker Rage, or Bloodrage is active.
Raging Blow Rune

Warbringer Rune - Chest
Your Charge, Intercept, and Intervene abilities are now usable while in combat and in any stance, and will all remove movement impairing effects when activated.
Warbringer Rune
- You can buy the Divine Sacrifice Rune from the Season of Discovery vendor Grizzby.

Furious Thunder Rune - Legs
Thunder Clap now increases the time between attacks by an additional 6%, can be used in any stance, and deals 50% increased threat.
Furious Thunder Rune
Orc and Troll: In order to get the rune you have to kill Sarkoth in in the Valley of Trials. It is rumoured Furious Thunder also drops from Zalazane.
Human: Killing Goldtooth in Elwynn Forest will grant you the Furious Thunder Rune.
Night Elf : Find the rune inside Gnarlpine Cache in the barrow den.
Dwarf and Gnome: Furious Thunder is ropped from Fyodi in Dun Morogh (/way 28.0, 42.2)

Consumed by Rage Rune - Legs
Enrages you and grants you a 20% melee damage bonus for 12 sec or up to a maximum of 12 swings after you exceed 80 Rage.
Consumed by Rage Rune
The Consumed by Rage rune is dropped by Carrodin in the Wetlands (w/ 47,64) in the back of the Thelgen Rock cavern by the southeastern Dun Algaz pass in SoD.

Frenzied Assault Rune - Legs
While wielding 2-handed weapons, your attack speed is increased by 20%.
Frenzied Assault Rune
Forsaken: To get the rune go ahead and speak to Penny Hawkins in the Inn in Brill. She'll ask that you remove Blueheart from the basement. Once you defeat him diwbsrairs you will get Frenzied Assault.
Orc: Speak to Zamja in Orgrimmar and she'll ask you to kill Gru'ark, located right outside of the cooking hut. Defeat him to earn the Frenzied Assault rune.
Dwarf: Talk to the Innkeeper, Bruuk Barleybeard in Ironforge, and he'll make you kill Bruart for him. Find him between the door and the staircase, then defeat him to gain the rune.

Victory Rush Rune - Gloves
Instantly attack the target causing (1 + Attack power * 45 / 100) damage and healing you for 10% of your maximum health. Only useable within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Victory Rush Rune
Orc and Troll: Finish the jumping puzzle next to the starter spawn point inside Valley of Trials. You'll find the Victory Rush rune in a chest.
Human: Get Victory Rush from a chest in the back of the Echo Ridge Mine.
Dwarf: You'll be able to get the rune once you complete a quest called Simple Rune from Stet Stoutarm in Coldridge Valley. You'll have to go to Thran Khorman, the Warrior Trainer in Anvilmar. This will spawn the Lost Rune quest, which requires you to kill trolls in the nearby cave until the Victory Rush rune drops.

Endless Rage - Gloves
You generate 25% more Rage from all damage you deal.
Endless Rage Rune
Horde: Locate Horde Warbanner in the Crossroads and take it to Northwatch Hold, where you will see an Alliance banner at the top of the hill. Replace it and defeat the mob, then you'll recieve the Endless Rage Rune.

Devastate Rune - Gloves
Sunder Armor also deals 100% weapon damage, increased by 10% per application of Sunder Armor already on the target.
Human: You can obtain this rune by finishing the Monster hunter kill quests in Old Town (Stormwind) near LW/
Skinning trainer. -
Dwarf and Gnome: Finish the Monster hunter kill quest in Kharanos Wendigo Paw and you'll recieve the Devastate rune.
Night Elf: In order to get the rune bring the Severed Tiger Head, Severed Owl Head, and the Severed Spider Head to Delwynna in Darnassus (/way 63.3, 21.8) near the Leatherworking trainers.
Orc and Troll: Complete the Monster hunter kill quest in Razor Hill, obtaining Centaur, Harpy, and Quillboar heads and you'll recieve the rune.

Single-Minded Fury Rune - Gloves
While dual-wielding, your Physical damage and movement speed are increased by 10%.
Single-Minded Fury Rune Rune
The Rune of Single-Minded Fury can be bought once players reach Honored with the new Supply Factions, Durotar Supply and Logistics for Horde players and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players.

Quick Strike Rune - Gloves
A reckless instant melee attack with your two-handed weapon dealing (Attack power * 15 / 100) to (Attack power * 25 / 100) physical damage. This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Heroic Strike.
Quick Strike Rune
Dwarf: Loot Trogs in Loch Modan (/w 41.54, 72.48), opened by Stonesplitter Skullthumper (which can be discovered in the back of the camps). They cast a knockdown which opens the skull in your inventory. It will drop the Quick Strike rune.
Horde: In order to get the rune go to Ratchet and talk to Kilxx by the docks. Buy a Fishing Harpoon and head into the bay, where you will find Bruuz circling around a boat. Use the harpoon to lower the shark's health and defeat it to gain Quick Strike.