On April 5th Blizzard released some fixes for WoW Season of Discovery, including adjustments to the Sunken Temple and some tweaks to profession quests. These changes aim to improve player experience and balance in the game. In this article, we will take a look at everything this Hotfix brings to World of Warcraft SoD:
Table of Contents
WoW SoD Changes Explained

One important change is the reduction of the health of enemies and bosses in the Sunken Temple raid. This change aims to ensure that the content is accessible and enjoyable to all players. Players will need to soft reset their instances for these adjustments to take effect. WoW SoD devs admit that they initially set the enemy health too high and are now fixing the situation to maintain a fair gameplay experience.
There are fixes to profession specialization quests such as the Leatherworking quest for Wild Leather Vest and the Weaponsmith quest for The Way of the Weaponsmith. These adjustments aim to address any issues WoW players may have encountered during these quests.
There are some updates to Nightmare Incursions content as well. WoW SoD players can now repair gear through Nightmare Incursion Quartermasters. At the same time, quest objects in Nightmare Incursions no longer require a cast time to open. Adjustments have been made to enemy abilities too, such as reducing damage and increasing cast times, to improve overall gameplay balance.
Full Hotfix Notes
Season of Discovery
- Fixed issues around the Leatherworking Wild Leather Vest and Way of the Weaponsmith
- The Rugged Traveler will now also despawn if greater than two players enter the quest area.
- Level 50 players who are Exalted with the Arathi Basin reputations can now complete the battleground quests usually reserved for level 60 allowing them to obtain their Exalted reputation tabards.
The Sunken Temple
- Significant adjustments were made to trash and boss health. Please note: In order for these health adjustments to take effect you will need to soft reset your instance. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
- Developer’s note: When developing and tuning the Sunken Temple raid encounters, we had concerns about player power going into Phase 3 so we aimed high when tuning enemy health. We feel that we aimed too high and have recently deployed a hotfix that lowers the health of all enemies and bosses within the Sunken Temple to help ensure this content remains accessible to all players. We’ll be watching progress closely and making additional adjustments as needed in the coming days.
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent Dreamscythe and Weaver from spawning. Affected players may need to leave the instance and Reset All Instances before it takes effect.
Nightmare Incursions
- Nightmare Incursion Quartermasters can now repair gear.
- Quest objects in the Nightmare Incursions no longer require a cast time to open.
- Drakes’ Corrosive Acid Breath now deals more reasonable damage when coming to the aid of Nightmare Incursion dragons.
- Satyrs’ Plagued Shot damage has been reduced and the cast time has been increased.
- Plagued Shot now has a minimum range like hunter ranged abilities.
- The total gold rewards for Nightmare Incursions elite missions have been reduced by roughly 30%.
The hotfix from April 5th aims to enhance WoW's gameplay by addressing some issues and improving game balance. Blizzard will continue to monitor player feedback and make further adjustments as necessary. Stay tuned for more info!