World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 1 has a lot of things to consider regarding the individual strength of all of the classes, so we will examine the best options in terms of items, talents, and runes for DPS Hunters given the current meta.
Although the devs have been quite quick to adjust imbalances in each class, this guide should help you get a general idea of how to best utilize the kits Hunters have so you can top the DPS charts in no time.
We will provide the best talents, runes, gear, etc. for WoW SoD Phase 1 currently so you can have an easier time clearing the new Blackfathom Deeps Raid and do PvP in Ashenvale like it's nothing. Let's get started!

WoW SoD Phase 1 DPS Hunter Talents
Since there is a level 25 cap during Phase 1, you will only have access to 16 talent points, so these picks should serve you well for the time being:
Beast Mastery
WoW SoD Phase 1 DPS Hunter Runes
Since all of the Hunter runes have been discovered, we can take a look at the best ones.
DPS Hunter Runes

Aspect of the Lion
- Stats Increase

Beast Mastery
- Pet DPS

Kill Command
- Pet DPS
This combination of runes will allow you to optimize your kit to deal as much damage as possible while you even provide a DPS increase to the entire raid through Aspect of the Lion. Since this guide will be taking advantage of the current meta revolving around Scorpions pets, and if your party has another Hunter doing BFD then Kill Command will bring even more value.
WoW SoD Phase 1 DPS Hunter Pets

Currently, the best option as a pet is the Scorpion as it can inflict a poison that deals a ton of damage. It is uncertain whether the devs will nerf the damage it does, but your best bet right now is using a Scorpion, especially in BFD if you would like to be the top dog in your group.
WoW SoD Phase 1 DPS Hunter Pre-Raid BiS
These are some items you can use before you start doing BFD runs to get the best possible items right now.
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Head

Humbert's Helm
- Dun Garok Rifleman (Horde) (Hillsbrad Foothills)

Ringed Helm
- Garneg Charskull (Alliance) in Wetlands

Green Tinted Goggles
- Engineering
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Neck

Sentinel's Medallion
- Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance) (Honored)

Scout's Medallion
- Warsong Outriders (Horde) (Honored)
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Shoulders

Mantle of Thieves
- Random Drop in Razorfen Kraul

Dervish Spaulders of Agility
- World Drop

Dark Leather Shoulders
- Leatherworking
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Cloak

Cape of the Brotherhood
- Deadmines

Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Chest

Tunic of Westfall
- The Defias Brotherhood (Alliance) in Deadmines

Dervish Tunic of Agility
- World Drop

Superior Tunic of Agility
- World Drop

Panther Armor
- The Den (Horde) in Stonetalon Mountains

Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Wrists

Headhunter's Bands of Agility
- World Drop

Scaled Leather Bracers of Agility
- World Drop

Madwolf Bracers
- Drop from Nightbane Vile Fang in Duskwood

Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Gloves

Pilferer's Gloves
- Leatherworking

Toughened Leather Gloves
- Leatherworking
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Waist

Deftkin Belt
- Je'neu of the Earthen Ring (Horde) in Ashenvale

Windborne Belt
- Highperch Venom (Alliance) in Dustwallow Marshes

Deviate Scale Belt
- Leatherworking
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Legs

Troll's Bane Leggings
- World Drop

Leggings of the Fang
- Wailing Caverns
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Feet

Warsong Boots
- Warsong Supplies (Horde) in Ashenvale

Feet of the Lynx
- World Drop

Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Rings

Ring of Precision
- World Drop

Monkey Ring
- Willix the Importer in Razorfen Kraul

Savannah Ring of Agility
- World Drop

Protector's Band
- Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance) (Honored)

Legionnaire's Band
- Warsong Outriders (Horde) (Honored)

Seal of Wrynn
- The Unsent Letter into The Attack! (Alliance) quest chains, starting with a drop from Edwin VanCleef)
Hunter Pre-Raid Trinkets

Rune of Duty
- Warsong (Alliance) & (Horde) – Friendly
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Ranged Weapon

Steelarrow Crossbow
- Drop from Dark Iron Rifleman in Wetlands

Raptor's End
- Ormer's Revenge (Alliance) in Wetlands

Outrunner's Bow
- Warsong (Alliance) & (Horde) – Revered

Ranger Bow
- The Den (Horde) in Stonetalon Mountains

Double-barreled Shotgun
- World Drop, Dwarf

Silver-plated Shotgun
- Engineering, Dwarf

Bow of Plunder
- Dangerous! (Horde) in Hillsbrad Foothills

Cliffrunner's Aim
- Quest chain The Sacred Flame (Horde) from Zangen Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff

- Wailing Caverns

Standard Scope
- Engineering
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid One-Handed Weapons

Scout's Blade
- Warsong Gulch (Alliance) & (Horde) – Revered

Prison Shank
- The Stockade

Talon of Vultros
- Drops from Vultros in Westfall

- Leaders of the Fang (Horde) in Wailing Caverns

Honed Stiletto of Agility
- World Drop

Cross Dagger of Agility
- World Drop

Cruel Barb
- Deadmines

Blackfathom Sharpening Stone
- Blacksmithing
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Two-Handed Weapons

Brutal War Axe of Agility
- World Drop

Armor Piercer
- Razorfen Kraul

Tunnel Pick
- Drop from Dark Iron Tunneler in Wetlands

Impaling Harpoon
- Deadmines

Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter Pre-Raid Two-Handed Weapons

Quiver of the Night Watch
- The Night Watch (Alliance)
WoW SoD Phase 1 DPS Hunter BiS
Most of these items will come from the 10-man Blackfathom Deeps Raid, and some will be rather difficult to obtain as you will need to complete a complicated quest chain, but if you would like to maximize your damage and go for high parses, then you can try getting your hands on these items.
Currently, it is best to use two One-Hand Weapons as opposed to weaving a Two-Handed Weapon so you can make use of the Blackfathom Sharpening Stone.
DPS Hunter BiS Head

Twilight Slayer's Cowl
- Blackfathom Deeps
DPS Hunter BiS Neck

Sentinel's Medallion
- Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance)(Honored)

Scout's Medallion
- Warsong Outriders (Horde) (Honored)
DPS Hunter BiS Shoulders

Mantle of Thieves
- Random Drop in Razorfen Kraul
DPS Hunter BiS Cloak

Cape of the Brotherhood
- Blackfathom Deeps

Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter BiS Chest

Twilight Slayer's Tunic
- Blackfathom Deeps

Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter BiS Wrists

Headhunter's Bands of Agility
- Blackfathom Deeps

Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter BiS Gloves

Void-Touched Leather Gloves
- Leatherworking
DPS Hunter BiS Waist

Deftkin Belt
- Je'neu of the Earthen Ring (Horde) in Ashenvale

Cord of Aquanis
- Blackfathom Deeps
DPS Hunter BiS Legs

Troll's Bane Leggings
- World Drop
DPS Hunter BiS Feet

Twilight Slayer's Footpads
- Blackfathom Deeps

Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
- Enchanting
DPS Hunter BiS Rings

Ring of Precision
- World Drop

- Blackfathom Deeps
DPS Hunter BiS Trinkets

Rune of Duty
- Warsong (Alliance) & (Horde) – Friendly

Avenger's Void Pearl
- Blackfathom Deeps
DPS Hunter BiS Ranged Weapon

Azshari Arbalest
- Blackfathom Deeps
DPS Hunter BiS One-handed Weapon

Outlaw Sabre
- Baron Aquanis (Horde)in Blackfathom Deeps

Scout's Blade
- Warsong Gulch (Alliance) & (Horde) – Revered

Prison Shank
- The Stockade

Blackfathom Sharpening Stone
- Blacksmithing