World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has brought tons of new changes to the game. New runes, new PvP items, a new 10-man raid and even more content for players to discover and enjoy.
With Phase 2 came a lot of quality-of-life skillbooks that offer beneficial augments to spells in WoW to make classes more enjoyable and as another incentive to do dungeons to progress in the game.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Druid Skillbooks
Your Rejuvenation and Regrowth spells can now be active on targets affected by another Druid's Rejuvenation or Regrowth.
Enhanced Restoration Skillbook Location
- You can get Leaflet of Enhanced Restoration from Interrogator Vishas in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
Brings a dead player back to life with 15% of their health and mana. Cannot be used when in combat.
Revive Skillbook Location
- You can get Leaflet of Revive from Bloodmage Thalnos in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
Decreases the mana cost of Mark of the Wild by 50% and increases its duration by 50%.
Deeper Wilds Skillbook Location
- You can get Leaflet of Deeper Wilds from mobs in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Hunter Skillbooks
The hunter takes on the aspect of the viper, causing your ranged and melee auto attacks to regenerate mana but reducing your total damage done by 10%. In addition, you gain 10% of maximum mana every 3 sec. Mana gained is based on the speed of your weapon. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Aspect of the Viper Skillbook Location
- You can get Treatise on Aspect of the Viper from Ironspine and Interrogator Vishas in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Priest Skillbooks
You can create a shadow fiend to attack a target of your choice. The caster gets 5% mana when the Shadowfiend attacks. It lasts 15 seconds.
Shadowfiend Skillbook Location
- Scroll of Shadowfiend is a drop from various Graveyard mobs in Scarlet Monastery, such as Interrogator Vishas.
Increases Fortitude decreases the mana cost of Power Word: Fortitude by 50% and increases its duration by 50%.
Increased Fortitude Skillbook Location
- Scroll of Increased Fortitude is a drop from various Graveyard mobs in Scarlet Monastery, such as Interrogator Vishas.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Warrior Skillbooks
- The warrior shouts, increasing the Stamina of all party members within 30 yards by 2. This boos lasts 2 min.
Commanding Shout Skillbook Location
- Handbook of Commanding Shout is a drop from various rare elite enemies in Scarlet Monastery. Try Azshir the Sleepless, Ironspine or Houndmaster Loksey.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Warlock Skillbooks
Portal of Summoning starts a ritual that creates a summoning portal. It can be used by 2 party/raid members to summon a targeted party/raid member. You need a caster and 2 additional party or raid members to complete this ritual. Right-click on the portal and don't move until the ritual is complete.
Portal of Summoning Skillbook Location
- Grimoire of Portal of Summoning is a drop from various Graveyard mobs in Scarlet Monastery.
Every time Drain Soul does damage, there's a chance to gain an additional soul shard. This chance gets bigger every time you do not gain a soul shard.
Soul Harvesting Skillbook Location
- Grimoire of Soul Harvesting is a drop from various Graveyard mobs in Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Skillbooks
Totemic Projection Skillbook Location
- You can get Revelation of Totemic Projection from Bloodmage Thalnos in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Mage Skillbooks
Decreases the mana cost of Arcane Intellect by 50% and increases its duration by 50%.
Expanded Intellect Skillbook Location
- You can get Tome of Expanded Intellect from Interrogator Vishas in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Rogue Skillbooks
Redirect can remove all of your existing combo points from the target and store them for up to 15 sec. The stored combat points will be passed onto to the next non-player enemy you hit with either a melee or ranged ability.
Redirect Skillbook Location
- Manual of Redirect is a drop from Interrogator Vishas in the Graveyard Wing of Scarlet Monastery.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Paladin Skillbooks
Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might, Wisdom, Salvation, Sanctuary, Light, and Kings by 100% and reduces their mana cost by 50%.
Enhanced Blessings Skillbook Location
- You can get Testament of Enhanced Blessings from Bloodmage Thalnos in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
And that covers everything we know so far about all of the Skillbooks in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2. Once we have more information, we will make sure to update the article accordingly.