Phase 2 of the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is almost here, bringing with it lots of new features to explore, prepared by the Blizzard team. We'll have the opportunity to experience new quests and face new enemies within the magical realm of Azeroth.
WoW SoD Phase 2 also introduces a new set of runes to discover. This addition to the Season of Discovery changes the game, providing World of Warcraft players with additional ways to boost and augment their characters. In this article, we'll delve into all available Mage runes and where you can locate them.
Please note that it may take some time for all runes to be uncovered in the Season of Discovery, but rest assured, we'll promptly update this article accordingly.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Mage Runes and Locations

Missile Barrage Rune (Waist)
This Mage rune will give your Arcane Blast a 40% chance. It will also grant your Fireball and Frostbolt spells a 20% chance to reduce the channeled duration of your next Arcane Missiles spell by 50%, reduce the mana cost by 100%, and missiles will fire every 0.5 seconds.
Missile Barrage Rune Location
- This SoD rune has not been discovered so far.

Chronostatic Preservation
Rune (Feet)
This rune fuses Arcane, Fire, and Frost magic to freeze chronomantic energy into a stored state which can be used later on. WoW players can hold onto this energy for up to 15 sec before it combusts and expires. When unleashed, it heals a friendly target for [(38.258376 + 0.904195 * Level + 0.161311 * Level * Level) * 200 / 100] to [(38.258376 + 0.904195 * Level + 0.161311 * Level * Level) * 300 / 100].
Chronostatic Preservation Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune you have to get 3 sets of Partial Spell Notes. You can do it by having 3 or 4 mages cool a Scorched mob in Thousand Needles. You can use ice spells like Frostbolt and Ice Lance. Once you're done, combine the spell notes to get the Chronostatic Preservation Rune.
- There are 3 locations in which you can find the mobs: Singed Highperch Consort (/
way 11, 36), Scorched Screeching Roguefeather (harpy caves on the southern wall), Seared Needles Cougar (Great Lift).

Spellfrost Bolt Rune (Waist)
This rune causes you to launch a bolt of spellfrost at the enemy. It will do (* 203 / 100) to (* 237 / 100) Spellfrost damage and slow them down by 40% for 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Arcane resists. It counts as both Frost and Arcane damage.
Missile Spellfrost Bolt Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune you need a Comprehension Charm, which can be bought from Reagent vendors in any capital city (also a quest reward for completing Spell Research)
- Head to Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale (/
way 47 34 ). A Skullsplitter Mystic mob will drop Spell Notes: PELFRB STOLLOTS. Use Comprehension Charm to decrypt it and get the Spellfrost Bolt rune.

Hot Streak Rune (Waist)
Every time you score 2 non-periodic spell crits in a row, by using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, or Living Bomb, your next Pyroblast spell (cast within 10 sec) will be an instant cast.
Hotstreak Rune Location
- Head to Alterac Mountains ( /
way 58.8 67.0 ). Kill Syndicate Thief and they will drop a signed note. - Once you have the note, go to Blacksmith Forge in Strahnbrad (/
way 60.0 46.4 ), where you will find two bellows connected to the outside of the forge building. Use a fire spell to get them red and flaming. When you're done an Ancient Elemental will spawn and when you defeat it, it will drop the Hotstreak Rune.

Brain Freeze Rune (Feet)
Your Frost damage spells with chilling effects have a 15% chance to cause your next Fireball, Spellfrost Bolt, or Frostfire Bolt spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
Brain Freeze Rune Location
- Start the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at the Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard (way 47 54). Turn it in to Bibbly F'utzbuckle (/
way 63 39 , close to Kormek's Hut). Pick up the quest On the Lam. - Head to the Booty Bay inn. Talk to Tokal to turn in the quest and get Cherry for Your Thoughts?. You'll have to buy her Cherry Grog and she will give you the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Find the rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, (/w
53, 91). It will take you to the eastern shore. There you'll need to find Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot Illari's Key. Open the chest and you'll get the Brain Freeze Rune.

Spell Power
The Spell Power Rune increases the critical strike damage bonus of all spells by 50%.
Spell Power Rune Location
To get this SoD rune, you need to read 20 books, including the 10 books you read when acquiring the Icy Veins rune. Demons and You (Desolace Marsh /
way 55.0, 28.0), RwlRwlRwlRwl! (Dustwallow Marsh, / way 57.0, 21.0), Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth (Thousand Needles, / way 34.0, 40.0), Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth (Thousand Needles, / way 34.0, 40.0), Defensive Magics 101 (Alterac Mountains, /way 48.5 57.6), A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends (Arathi Highlands, /way 73.0, 65.0), Mummies: A Guide to the Unsavory Undead (Badlands, /way 57.0, 39.0), Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? (Stranglethorn Vale, /way 41.5, 50.8), A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet (Swamp of Sorrows, /way 61.0, 22.0).
These are all WoW SoD runes there are to find. We hope we've made the hunt easier for you. Chek out the Mage Skillbooks here.