If you are looking to reach Revered, then look no further as we've got you covered with the best places where you can farm Waylaid Supplies in Season of Discovery Phase 2.
We will go over the spots where you can farm Waylaid Supplies to optimize your rep grind and even earn some gold in the meantime. Although it can be rather tedious to gather enough reputation to reach Revered with any of the Waylaid Supplies Factions, at least you can earn some gold during your grind.
Since the introduction of the new rewards, the Auction House prices for the materials needed to fill Waylaid Supplies have gone down so now is the best time to max out your rep before Phase 3 goes live.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2: Best Waylaid Supplies Farms
Below we have picked out the best zones where you can farm Waylaid Supplies without running into too many players. Please be advised that if you want to hit Revered, you need to turn in Waylaid Supplies from levels 30 to 40.
Please keep in mind that you will get the most gold and reputation from turning in level 40 Waylaid Supplies, although level 35 crates are not to be underestimated.
The full list of crates and how much reputation they give is provided, here:

700 Reputation - Level 30

850 Reputation - Level 30

700 Reputation - Level 35

850 Reputation - Level 35

1000 Reputation - Level 40
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Zones for Waylaid Supplies
With that out of the way, we will focus on the best spots where you can efficiently farm Waylaid Supplies. The first thing to note is according to data, chests in the open world have about a 33% chance of containing any of the following Waylaid Supplies.
Waylaid Supplies in Badlands

This zone is a great spot for level 40 Waylaid Supplies crates as the mob density is not as intense as other zones and you can find a lot of camps with chests in them. You can also receive Waylaid Supplies from Humanoids, but the drop chances are much lower.
Waylaid Supplies in Desolace

This zone is split into two regions with the Northern part containing lower-level Waylaid Supplies crates, whereas the Southern part has higher-level mobs thus better chances of getting level 35-40 crates.
You will need to again seek out chests in the open world and you can check one of the two centaur clans you are Friendly with to open chests without having to clear mobs.
Waylaid Supplies in Alterac Mountains

Although the mob density is quite intense in certain camps and with even Elite mobs guarding chests, you can still get a lot of Waylaid Supplies from this zone.
Waylaid Supplies in Arathi Highlands

Although you will primarily find level 30-35 Waylaid Supplies, Arathi Highlands is still a great spot to farm crates as the lower-level crates are much cheaper to turn in. You can also try looting in Stromgarde Keep as there are level 40 Waylaid Supplies, however, you will need to deal with a lot of mobs to get to them.
Waylaid Supplies in Dustwallow Marsh

This cave is filled with level 38 spiders but also has up to 3 Solid Chests that you can farm to get Waylaid Supplies.
And that covers all of the best zones in World of Warcraft to farm Waylaid Supplies in Season of Discovery Phase 2. Of course, you can also go ahead and do some questing if you want another way of getting Waylaid Supplies. Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth!