Engineering has always been a top-tier profession in WoW for those with the fortitude to level it. Phase 2 of Season of Discovery adds a list of insane new items unique to SoD, making leveling Engineering better than ever before. Let's cover every new SoD Engineering item first, then get to the fastest path to level Engineering to 225.
New Engineering Items in SoD Phase 2

Note: Most of these new recipes are datamined at the time of writing and still need to be confirmed in-game.
Item | Engi. Skill | Reagents Needed |
Polished Truesilver Gears | 200 | 1x Truesilver Bar 5x Pile of Tarnished Gears |
Ez-Thro Radiation Bomb | 225 | 2x Solid Blasting Powder 1x Gnomeregan Fallout 2x Mithril Bar |
High-Yield Radiation Bomb | 225 | 1x Solid Blasting Powder 1x Gnomeregan Fallout 2x Mithril Bar |
Hyperconductive Goldwrap | 225 | 3x Polished Truesilver Gears 3x Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament 1x Faintly Glowing Leather |
Whirling Truesilver Gearwall | 225 | 3x Low-Background Truesilver Plates 5x Polished Truesilver Gears 2x Faintly Glowing Leather |
Soul Vessel | 225 | 4x Shadowgem 1x Black Vitriol 1x Demonic Figurine |
Some other key items for Engineers are the Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle, the Parachute Cloak, and the Spellpower Goggles Xtreme. The goggles in particular might just be the perfect headgear to prepare for your early adventures into Gnomeregan.
Phase 2 Engineering Leveling Guide (Level 225)
1 - 75 Materials Needed:
Gather all of the below materials to ensure you can comfortably level to 75 in a single sitting.
- 39x Rough Stone
- 44x Copper Bar
- 14x Weak Flux
- 10x Wooden Stock
1 - 75 Crafting Path:
- 1-40 Rough Blasting Powder
- 40-50 Handful of Copper Bolts (craft at least 10)
- 50-51 Arclight Spanner
- 51-65 Copper Tube (craft at least 10)
- 65-75 Rough Boomstick
75 - 150 Materials Needed:
Gather all of the below materials to ensure you can comfortably level to 150 in a single sitting.
- 20x Coarse Stone
- 40x Heavy Stone
- 10x Silver Bar
- 55x Bronze Bar
- 15x Weak Flux
- 5x Wool Cloth
75 - 150 Crafting Path:
- 75-95 Coarse Blasting Powder (craft at least 20)
- 95-105 Silver Contact (craft at least 10)
- 105-120 Bronze Tube
- 120-125 Small Bronze Bomb
- 125-145 Heavy Blasting Powder (craft at least 10)
- 145-150 Big Bronze Bomb
150 - 225 Materials Needed:
Gather all of the below materials to ensure you can comfortably level to 225 in a single sitting.
- 25x Heavy Leather
- 100x Solid Stone
- 15x Iron Bar
- 4x Steel Bar
- 50x Mithril Bar
- 5x Silver Contact
- 5x Mageweave Cloth
- 40x Heavy Blasting Powder
- 20x Solid Blasting Powder (craft at least 20)
150 - 225 Crafting Path:
- 150-175 Blue Firework, Green Firework or Red Firework
- 175-176 Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor
- 176-190 Solid Blasting Powder
- 190-195 Big Iron Bomb
- 195-205 Mithril Tube
- 205-210 Unstable Trigger
- 210-225 Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs