There are two types of WoW players: Those who blast through content like gamers possessed, and those who prefer to relax and smell the flowers while they level. This guide is for the folks in between. We'll be covering the best sequence of dungeons to farm to level efficiently in SoD Phase 2, as well as some zone recommendations for the questers out there.
The WoW Addon 'RestedXP'
We highly recommend this addon for Season of Discovery Phase 2!
RestedXP not only provides helpful quest pointers, but it will also point you in the direction of the new Phase 2 Runes as they are discovered by other players. This will save you a ton of time otherwise spent backtracking to retrieve Runes that were, potentially, right under your nose while you were leveling.
Check out RestedXP with this link.
Blackfathom Deeps in SoD Phase 2

Dataminers revealed early that a sizable XP reward is attached to the otherwise obsolete raid, BFD, in SoD Phase 2. Running this raid with guild members may be your first stop for the most efficient start possible in Phase 2, though it is not mandatory, as the act of assembling a raid group outside BFD may in itself be too inefficient to be worth your while on launch day.
Best Dungeons to Farm Levels in SoD Phase 2
By far the fastest way to reliably farm XP in Season of Discovery Phase 2, as long as you have an efficient group, is repeatedly running dungeons with a dungeon-cleave group setup. A dungeon-cleave group is generally defined by extremely high AoE damage potential. An example of such a group would be:
- Druid (tank)
- Priest (healer)
- Warlock
- Mage
- Hunter
While all 3 of those DPS classes are not required, bringing along at least a Warlock or a Mage for the channeled AoE damage is highly recommended.

Below is our recommended order for blasting dungeons with a dungeon-cleave group:
- The Stockade (Alliance only, Level 25+)
- Razorfen Kraul (Recommended for melee groups, Level 29+)
- Scarlet Monastery Graveyard (Level 28+)
- Scarlet Monastery Library (Level 31+)
- Scarlet Monastery Armory (Level 34+)
- Scarlet Monastery Cathedral (Level 36+)
- Razorfen Downs (Level 39+)
Best Quest Locations in WoW Classic

While we highly recommend farming dungeons for the initial levels (mostly to avoid the swarms of players on launch day clogging up quest zones), make sure to take advantage of grindy questing hotspots like Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles, or the troll-killing quests in Arathi Highlands while they are level appropriate.
These areas gift a ton of XP and are a great substitute for questing in Stranglethorn Vale, which is effectively a zone-wide PvP battleground in SoD Phase 2.
Our most important tip of all is to have fun and level at your own pace! Blasting levels can be fun, but it can also turn WoW into a chore if all you're stressing about is earning XP. So, explore, good luck with Rune hunting, and check out a few guides below for more from us!
- WoW SoD Phase 2: Healer Tier List
- WoW SoD Phase 2: Tank Tier List
- WoW SoD Phase 2: Datamined Blood Moon Rewards