World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 will provide players with even more runes to discover and try out. Given the great success of runes so far, the community is loving not only the new ways they can play their classes but also figuring out new and fun ways to do PvP and PvE content.
Having said that, we will go over all of the new Rogue runes for SoD Phase 3 as well as how to obtain them so you can start experimenting. Please keep in mind that we will update the guide as soon as the runes are discovered on live servers. Although Phase 2 saw a rather fast discovery process, Phase 3 might be a tad more difficult.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Rogue Runes
Carnage will give a slight boost to DPS, however, this will proc by your own Bleed effects.
Cut to the Chase will give Rogues a more consistent way of keeping your damage uptime.
Unfair Advantage is primarily targeted at tanks so you can have more uptime on your damage and threat.
Combat Potency is a nice tool for Rogues to maintain enough Energy to proc combos.
Focused Attacks is a very-welcome quality-of-life rune to enable Rogues to deal damage.
Honor Among Thieves this will certainly be the highlight for Rogues in PvE as you will need to very effectively make use of all of your combo points.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Rogue Rune Locations
To get Rune of Carnage you will need to follow these steps:
- Head to the Blasted Lands /way 45.3 16.4 and climb the tower.
- At the top, you will find a lockbox that requires Lockpicking skill 225 to open it.
- Once opened, a mob will spawn that you need to kill and loot to get the rune.
You will need to be Friendly with the new Emerald Wardens reputation to get Rune of Alacrity. The rune costs 1 Gold and 60 Silver. You can buy it from any of the following Quartermasters:
To get Rune of Foul Play you will need to follow these steps:
- Head to Lost Rigger Cove in Tanaris /
way 71 45 . While there, Pick Pocket the various Pirate mobs until you're able to obtain a Precious Medallion. - Bring the Precious Medallion to Jabbey in Steamwheedle Port (/
way 67 22 ). Here, you'll be able to exchange the Precious Medallion for the Rune.
To get Rune of Potency you need to follow these steps:
- Pick up the quest The Wild Gods from Shadowtooth Emissary in Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood.
- Go to Jinth'Alor in the Hinterlands. Kill elite trolls to obtain Wildwhisper Draught.
- Go to Razorfen Downs and clear the area around Amnennar the Coldbringer. Drink Wildwhisper Draught to spawn Spirit of Agamaggan. Speak to him to get a quest and Agamaggan's Roar. Only one player needs to drink the draught to spawn him.
- You will need to kill 3 mobs in three different dungeons to spawn a ghostly mob. When you trigger it, you get a chat emote "You feel a shadowed presence". Use Agamaggan's Roar near the ghostly mob; this makes a level 52 elite called the Delirious Ancient turn hostile. Each Ancient drops 1x Wild Offering:
Zul'Farrak: Clear Gahz'rilla and spawn a Ghostly Spider to summon Delirious Ancient.
Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras area and spawn a Ghostly Raptor in the water to summon Delirious Ancient.
Blackrock Depths: Kill all three boss encounters including the Ring of Law to spawn a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway (road to Bael'gar) to summon Delirious Ancient.
Once you have collected all three Wild Offering return to Shadowtooth Emissary to collect your rune.
To get Rune of Focus you will need to follow these steps:
- Head to the Hinterlands ruins at /way 72.0, 53.0.
- A small chest sits in front of an altar, guarded by a Vilebranch Mask.
- Blind the Vilebranch Mask and loot the chest for your Rune of Focus.
To get Rune of the Coterie you will need to be level 45 and enter a major city to receive mail that will start the quest chain:
- Fool Me Twice Go to Ravenholdt Manor and find Fahrad. Fahrad fills you in on the mysterious "C" and what he is up to.

- The Talisman of Kazdor Head to Zul'Farrak in Tanaris and solo the instance to get Talisman of Kazdor.

- Best Laid Plans Return to Ravenholdt Manor and take the Talisman of Kazdor to Zan Shivsproket in the basement.
- One Last Drop Take the Modified Talisman to the dead drop in Pyrewood Village.

- Biding Our Time Return to Fahrad at Ravenholdt for your Rune of the Coterie as well as Filcher's Cowl.
And that covers everything we know so far about the new Rogue runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will closely monitor the community for any crucial information to help you find all of the runes as soon as possible.