World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 will provide players with even more runes to discover and try out. Given the great success of runes so far, the community is loving not only the new ways they can play their classes but also figuring out new and fun ways to do PvP and PvE content.
Having said that, we will go over all of the new Warrior runes for SoD Phase 3 as well as how to obtain them so you can start experimenting. Please keep in mind that we will update the guide as soon as the runes are discovered on live servers. Although Phase 2 saw a rather fast discovery process, Phase 3 might be a tad more difficult.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Warrior Runes
Rampage will give Fury Warriors an extra boost to their attack power.
Sword and Board is an attempt by Blizzard to make Protection Warriors the go-to spec for tanking.
Shield Mastery further encourages tank Warriors to wield a shield to get some much-needed buffs to make the spec viable.
Taste for Blood will give DPS Warriors a way to activate Overpower.
Vigilance is yet another helpful tool for Warrior tanks to successfully manage burst DPS by other party members.
Wrecking Crew is another nice DPS buff for Warriors looking for some juicy crits.
Gladiator Stance is an interesting way of Blizzard going for a hybrid spec Warrior that can deal damage whilst wielding a shield, possibly an off-tank or PvP spec.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Warrior Rune Locations
To find the Rune of the Unbridled you will need to kill an elite Ogre in Feralas. The path to the cave is /way 75.0 35.2. Inside, you'll find Ohk'zi /way 74.8 24.9.

To get Rune of the Knight you need to follow these steps:
- Pick up the quest The Wild Gods from Shadowtooth Emissary in Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood.
- Go to Jinth'Alor in the Hinterlands. Kill elite trolls to obtain Wildwhisper Draught.
- Go to Razorfen Downs and clear the area around Amnennar the Coldbringer. Drink Wildwhisper Draught to spawn Spirit of Agamaggan. Speak to him to get a quest and Agamaggan's Roar. Only one player needs to drink the draught to spawn him.
- You will need to kill 3 mobs in three different dungeons to spawn a ghostly mob. When you trigger it, you get a chat emote "You feel a shadowed presence". Use Agamaggan's Roar near the ghostly mob; this makes a level 52 elite called the Delirious Ancient turn hostile. Each Ancient drops 1x Wild Offering:
Zul'Farrak: Clear Gahz'rilla and spawn a Ghostly Spider to summon Delirious Ancient.
Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras area and spawn a Ghostly Raptor in the water to summon Delirious Ancient.
Blackrock Depths: Kill all three boss encounters including the Ring of Law to spawn a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway (road to Bael'gar) to summon Delirious Ancient.
Once you have collected all three Wild Offering return to Shadowtooth Emissary to collect your rune.
To get the Rune of the Protector you will need to be Friendly with the new Emerald Wardens reputation. The rune costs 1 Gold and 60 Silver. You can buy it from any of the following Quartermasters:
To get Rune of the Bloodthirsty you will need to follow these steps:
- You will need to loot 4 separate appendages for a giant War Golem in Searing Gorge.
Giant Golem Foot - inside Slag Pits, /
way 43 32.3 -
Giant Golem Arm - in the Incendosaur cave below the Slag Pits, /
way 49.4 37.1 -
Giant Golem Foot - back of the Indendosaur cave, /
way 42.6 30 -
Giant Golem Arm - /
way 42 44 - Once gathered, head to the eastern section of Searing Gorge /
way 65 45 . - Summon Lodax the Obliterator, a giant War Golem, and defeat him to loot the rune. Make sure to bring a group as the encounter is difficult.
To find the Rune of the Watchman follow these steps:
- Head to the Writhing Deep in Feralas.
- Look for an elite mob, Tyrant of the Hive, around /way 77.6, 62.0, and loot the rune.
To get the Rune of Demolition you will need to follow these steps:
- Kill Trolls and Spiders in the Hinterlands until they find the Geode Hammer as a drop.
- Once the Geode Hammer has been obtained, equip it and continue attacking enemies until the Geode Hammer breaks, creating a Broken Geode Hammer.
- Right-click the Broken Geode Hammer to open it and obtain the rune.
To get the Rune of the Gladiator you will need to complete a quest chain:
Pick up the quest The Old Champ from Fizbuz Mithril in Gadgetzan in Tanaris.
Return to Gadgetzan and speak to Fizbuz Mithril to turn in the quest, then accept the next quest, Fight Night.
Defeat Kajind, then turn in the quest to receive this Rune.
And that covers everything we know so far about the new Warrior runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will closely monitor the community for any crucial information to help you find all of the runes as soon as possible.