A major change has been introduced to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3. The weekly Repelling Invaders and Clear the Forest! quests can now be turned in daily, meaning that you can farm your Warsong Gulch reputation much faster.
This change might cause some controversy within the community as many players believe that stripping away Classic from its roots might harm the game in the long run. We will take a look at what this change means to the players and how it might impact the decision-making of the devs in the last phase of Season of Discovery.

Season of Discovery Phase 3 Ashenvale PvP Event Changes

Blizzard has decided to make it easier for players to gain rep with the Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance) and Warsong Outriders (Horde). You can get either a Silverwing Sentinel Charm or Warsong Outrider Mark by looting the opposing faction NPCs when participating in the Battle for Ashenvale Event.
This means that you can get reach from Revered to Exalted with your Warsong Gulch faction within 21 days as the quest gives you a whopping 1,000 reputation. The Battle for Ashenvale Event occurs every three hours so you have plenty of opportunities to fly to Ashenvale.
These changes were met with mixed feelings on the one hand, players are grateful for not having to grind out Warsong Gulch Battlegrounds, however, some veterans think that this goes against the spirit of WoW Vanilla as you should feel satisfaction from investing so much time into your characters.
All in all, this change in Season of Discovery Phase 3 should at least lower the amount of people who mindlessly queue up for Warsong Gulch so that more players who want to do PvP can face other worthy opponents.