Blizzard just announced a limited-time offer for players to transfer their characters from PvP to PvE servers for free! It seems that the community has shared feedback regarding being able to transfer their characters from PvP servers given the amount of griefing that is to be expected.
Although this might cause more harm than good, it seems that the devs are approaching this carefully, given the limitations they have added to ensure that the factions remain at a balanced population.
We will take a look at everything you need to know about this new option so you can decide whether you would like a fresh start and move your character to a different realm where you can focus on the PvE content and take a more casual approach to Season of Discovery.

Season of Discovery Phase 3 Character Transfer

It seems that Blizzard is experimenting with a limited-time PvP to PvE free character transfer if you have gotten sick and tired of your PvP realm. As per the blue post, this option will not be readily available, but rather there will be set windows in which you can try to transfer your character.
These transfer windows will open and close fairly rapidly, and we offer no guarantee that you will be able to transfer. The reasoning for this is simple; we need to ensure that one faction doesn’t disproportionally leave a realm, undoing months of hard work with realm faction balance.
These transfer options will be periodically available starting Tuesday and will open and close throughout the rest of this week.
This means that although the option will be available, you are not guaranteed to transfer your character to ensure that the faction balance remains stable and that there are no empty servers.
Although layers have received a lot of mixed feedback, as of now, players are rather content with how Season of Discovery has approached the massive wave of players trying to re-experience WoW Classic through a new lens.
The Season of Discovery Phase 3 Experience

Although there have not been any major issues in regards to layering as there were in Phase 2 with the new Stranglethorn Vale PvP event, so far, players have not reported any concerning issues with how the servers work.
It is understandable why players would opt to move to a PvE realm given how toxic and frustrating PvP can be at times when you just wish to do open-world content. Given that the majority of the player base consists of older players, it seems that the predominant way of playing is more casual than competitive.
Overall, this is a welcome change to help players wanting to approach Season of Discovery at a calmer pace which as a result will allow PvP enjoyers to continue their antics without the incessant complaining on forums and social media. This should be a great opportunity to further allow players to enjoy and play the game as they please.