With Season of Discovery Phase 3 in full bloom, players are looking for ways to fully optimize their damage and parses when clearing the new Sunken Temple 20-man raid. It is essential for raiders to bring the necessary consumables that enhance their stats but world buffs are crucial to the success of your group to clear all of the bosses as quickly as possible.
With that being said, some players have not played World of Warcraft previously as Season of Discovery acts as an entryway for new MMORPG fans. That is why we have created this quick and simple guide to help you obtain the Songflower Serenade buff that will give you a boost for your raids.

What is the Songflower Buff in WoW SoD?

To put it simply, Songflower Serenade gives an increased chance of getting crits with your character as well as boosting all of your attributes by 15 for 1 hour. Another important thing to note is that this buff can be chronobooned by using a Chronoboon Displacer (this item is sold in all major cities, simply visit a Reagent Vendor).
You receive this buff after interacting with a Cleansed Songflower in Felwood after completing a small quest chain that enables you to pick the flower once it respawns.
How to Get the Songflower Serenade Buff
You will need to head to Felwood to start the quest chain. Depending on your faction, you will need to speak to the following NPCs near the Emerald Sanctuary:
- Arathandris Silversky (Alliance Cleansing Felwood)
- Maybess Riverbreeze (Horde Cleansing Felwood)
This quest will have you collect 15x Blood Amber dropped by killing the following mobs in Felwood:

Once you turn in the Blood Amber, you will receive the Cenarion Beacon which you need to keep in your inventory if you would like to get the buff again at a later time (if you happen to lose it, simply speak with the NPC corresponding with your faction to get another one).
You will then be offered a selection of quests to choose from depending on the professions you have on your character. Here are all of the available quests as all of them are offered to both the Horde and Alliance factions:
- Salve via Hunting (Collect 6x Corrupted Soul Shard from killing mobs in Felwood)
- Salve via Mining (Collect 4x Tainted Vitriol by mining nodes in Felwood)
- Salve via Gathering (Collect 4x Fel Creep by picking up herbs in Felwood)
- Salve via Skinning (Collect 5x Patch of Tainted Skin by skinning beasts in Felwood)
- Salve via Disenchanting (Collect 1x Lesser Nether Essence by disenchanting Uncommon items)
Once you turn in any of the listed quests, you will receive 2x Cenarion Plant Salve that will help turn a Corrupted Songflower into a Cleansed Songflower. You can locate a flower in these areas as they have a respawn time of about 20 minutes.

You can also install the Nova World Buffs addon which will help you keep track of the respawn times as well as show you the locations of each flower. And that is everything you need to know on how you can get yourself a great buff to help you when raiding.
Although this buff is optional, it might be worthwhile to pick it up as some encounters in the raid can be quite the DPS check especially at the last bosses. Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth, and may you get rewarded with some amazing loot during your runs in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery!
