A brand new video posted by the devs at Blizzard details everything you need to know about the upcoming release of Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will go through all of the important details, including the release date for Phase 3.
Since a lot of players have been asking when Phase 3 will roll out, it seems that Blizzard was rather quick to provide an update regarding the future of Season of Discovery.
Given the experimental nature and overall success of SoD, many players have been eagerly waiting for the revitalized WoW Vanilla experience that reignited the passion of players both old and new.

When Will WoW SoD Phase 3 Start?
Blizzard officially announced that World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 will start on April 4, 2024 1:00 pm PDT worldwide. This was rather unexpected as some players were preparing for a longer phase similar to Phase 1.
Since the launch date for WoW SoD Phase 3 is as early as April 4th, 2024, there is still time to prepare your alts so you can get to experience all of the new content in the Season of Discovery journey.
With that being said, we will make sure to cover all of the important information that Blizzard released so you can prepare for the upcoming phase. If you would like to learn more, you can review the official preview for Phase 3, here: