Blizzard has added a fun new way for players to level up and get gear as opposed to questing or spamming dungeons in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Nightmare Incursions will let players go to a different realm where they will need to face corrupted treants, dragons, and many other adversaries.
In this guide, we will give a brief overview of what you need to know about the new PvE Nightmare Incursions event. Not only will you have the option to obtain rep with a new faction that has some great gear but you can also cash in a lot of gold and XP in the meantime.
Nightmare Incursions

WoW SoD Phase 3: What are Nightmare Incursions?

Nightmare Incursions are a new form of content for players to explore and gain loot from. Instead of this new event being focused on PvP, the devs have implemented a different way of gaining gold, experience, and even loot for end-game content.
To access this event, you will have to go through any of the four portals spread across Azeroth to access the new realm where you can complete quests. This event is optimized around 5-man groups, so make sure to bring some buddies along to make your life much easier.
Unlike the PvP events from the last 2 phases, you can freely do Nightmare Incursions whenever you'd like to. You can expect to complete quests that have you kill certain mobs, gather items, and loot.
WoW SoD Phase 3: Nightmare Incursions Portal Locations
There are 4 different zones with their own level ranges, meaning that characters ranging from level 25 to 50 can participate if you are tired of your normal open-world content.
Duskwood - Level 25

Ashenvale - Level 40

Feralas - Level 50

Hinterlands - Level 50

WoW SoD Phase 3: Nightmare Incursions Quests
You get these quests from the Quartermasters outside the portal. Another neat mechanic is that you can share your quests (deputize) with your other party members so that you are always on the same track depending on which quests you would like to complete to maximize your XP and gold gains.
An example of an item that lets you share quests - Deputization Authorization: Ashenvale Mission XVII. You get one of these each time you complete a Nightmare Incursions quest.




WoW SoD Phase 3: Emerald Wardens Faction
The Emerald Wardens are the new Faction you can rep with so you can gain access to some sweet rewards after questing in Nightmare Incursions. There are 4 separate Quartermasters located on the roads leading to each portal.
Not only can you get your hands on some starter PvP set items, but also some very valuable general rewards either when leveling an alt or if you are unable to get a Pre-BiS or BiS item when raiding. The new runes are also tied to the Emerald Wardens as you will need to be Friendly to be able to purchase your class' rune.
Currently, we know that the only way you gain rep is by turning Nightmare Incursions quests, which give 75 per quest. Hopefully, killing mobs or bosses from the new 20-man Sunken Temple raid will also give rep.
And that is everything you need to know about Nightmare Incursions in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will make sure to make more detailed guides so you can start earning those sweet rewards either for your main or alt characters.