WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 is here, bringing lots of new content, runes, and changes! The highlight is the 20-man raid Sunken Temple, which seems to be a significant challenge to World of Warcraft players, as acknowledged by Blizzard. In this article, we will explore the best options WoW SoD offers in terms of items, talents, and runes for Rogue DPS.
We hope this simple guide helps you understand how to effectively use Rogue kits to top the DPS charts. We will continue to update this guide as the WoW SoD meta evolves and players discover improved ways of utilizing the Rogue's kit. Here are the best runes, talents, pre-BiS, and BiS gear for Rogues currently in WoW SoD Phase 3.
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS Talents
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS Runes
- Head Honor Among Thieves
- Chest Deadly Brew
- Waist Shadowstep
- Wrist Cut to the Chase
- Legs Envenom
- Feet Master of Subtlety
- Hands Mutilate
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS Raid Consumables
- Thistle Tea
- Elixir of Giants
- Elixir of the Mongoose
- Winterfall Firewater
- Dense Sharpening Stone / Shadow Oil
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS Pre-BiS
- Embrace of the Lycan - Zul'Farrak
- Artemis Cowl - Blackfathom Deeps
- Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl - Leatherworking
- Swashbuckler's Eyepatch of the Tiger - World Drop
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Sentinel's Medallion - Warsong Gulch Honored (Alliance)
- Scout's Medallion - Warsong Gulch Honored (Horde)
- Skibi's Pendant - World Drop
- Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque - Gnomeregan
- Clouddrift Mantle - Ancient Spirit
- Shadowskin Spaulders - Runecloth from Meilosh at /w 65.6 2.8 in Felwood
- Phytoskin Spaulders - Maraudon
- Swashbuckler's Shoulderpads of Agility - World Drop
- Blackveil Cape - Blackrock Depths
- Blisterbane Wrap - World Drop
- Dark Phantom Cape - World Drop
- Dark Hooded Cape - Drop from rare Nimar the Slayer in Arathi Highlands
- Prototype Parachute Cloak - Gnomeregan
- Blazewind Breastplate - Broken Alliances (Horde) / Tremors of the Earth (Alliance) in Badlands
- Righteous Armor of Power - World Drop
- Insulated Chestguard - Gnomeregan
- Deepfury Bracers - World Drop
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch (Exalted)
- Wicked Leather Bracers - Leatherworking
- Gloves of the Pathfinder - Winterfall Activity at /w 27.8 34.6 in Winterspring
- Nightfall Gloves - Disharmony of Fire starts at /w 3.6 48.0 in Badlands
- Girdle of Beastial Fury - Blackrock Depths
- Skullduggery Waistband - Gnomeregan
- Wanderer's Belt of the Tiger - World Drop
- Insulated Legguards - Gnomeregan
- Serpentskin Leggings - World Drop
- Nimble Triprunner Dungarees - Rig Wars / The Grand Betrayal
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Albino Crocscale Boots - Maraudon
- Sandstalker Ankleguards - Zul'Farrak
- Shadefiend Boots - Blackrock Depths
- Praetorian Boots of Power - World Drop
- Defiler's Leather Boots - Arathi Basin (Revered)
- Protector's Band - Warsong Gulch Honored (Alliance)
- Legionnaire's Band - Warsong Gulch Honored (Horde)
- Blackstone Ring - Maraudon
- Masons Fraternity Ring - Divino-matic Rod in Zul'Farrak
- Archaedic Stone of the Tiger - Uldaman
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan
- Rune of the Guard Captain - Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /w 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands (Horde)
Main-Hand Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Agility
- Gurubashi Backstabber - Stranglethorn Vale PvP event
Off-Hand Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Agility
- Scout's Blade - Warsong Gulch Revered (Horde)
- Sentinel's Blade - Warsong Gulch Revered (Alliance)
- Julie's Dagger - World Drop
Ranged Weapon
- Falco's Sting - Gnomeregan
- Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - World Drop
- Skull Splitting Crossbow - World Drop
Enchantment: Sniper Scope
WoW SoD Phase 3 Rogue DPS BiS
- Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl - Leatherworking
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Bloodstained Charm of Valor - Sunken Temple
- Paranoia Mantle - Leatherworking
- Panther Fur Cloak - Sunken Temple
- Blood Corrupted Tunic - Sunken Temple
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch (Exalted)
- Void-Powered Slayer's Vambraces - Engineering
- First Sergeant's Leather Gauntlets - Horde PvP Rank 5
- Sergeant Major's Leather Gauntlets - Alliance PvP Rank 5
- Girdle of Beastial Fury - Blackrock Depths
- Blood Corrupted Pants - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Blood Corrupted Boots - Sunken Temple
- Drakeclaw Band of the Berserker - Sunken Temple
- Blackstone Ring - Maraudon
- Breadth of the Beast - Sunken Temple
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan
- Rune of the Guard Captain - Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /w 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands (Horde)
Main Hand Enchant Weapon - Agility
- Gut Ripper - World Drop
- Toxic Revenger II - Gnomeregan
- Julie's Dagger - World Drop
- Degraded Dire Nail - Sunken Temple
Ranged Weapon
- Stinging Longbow - Sunken Temple
- Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - World Drop