World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is now live, and a lot of players are busy collecting the new runes for their class. This time around, most classes get up to 3 new runes for the final phase of SoD so players will not have to invest that much time into getting their much-needed endgame powerups. With that in mind, we have gathered all of the Shaman runes and how you can obtain them in this guide.
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WoW SoD Phase 4 Shaman Runes
Here are all of the new Shaman Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:
Storm, Earth, and Fire Rune
Here is the Storm, Earth, and Fire Shaman rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- You will need to go to northern Felwood (approximately /way 62 10)
- Start killing Deadwood Shaman and Deadwood Avenger until they drop the Voltaic Icon
- Equip the item and bring three enemies to low health so you can kill them with a single Chain Lightning cast to get the rune
Feral Spirit Rune
Here is the Feral Spirit Shaman rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Travel to Ice Thistle Hills in Winterspring and find the cave at /way 67, 42
- Stick to the left wall of the cave and once you get the choice to either go up or down- go down
- Talk to the chained elemental to free it and then kill so you can loot the Rune of the Bound Spirit
Tip: The elemental is a level 60 Elite so make sure to bring some friends to help you out
Coherence Rune
Here is the Coherence Shaman rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Go to the northern lava pools in Searing Gorge and kill mobs until you get a Molten Obsidian Core
- Then go into a pool of standing water while the item is in your inventory so it can transform
- Click the transformed item to loot the Rune of Composure
And that covers all of the new Shaman Cloak Runes so far for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. Best of luck on your journey, Champions of Azeroth!