World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is now live, and a lot of players are busy collecting the new runes for their class. This time around, most classes get up to 3 new runes for the final phase of SoD so players will not have to invest that much time into getting their much-needed endgame powerups. With that in mind, we have gathered all of the Warlock runes and how you can obtain them in this guide.
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WoW SoD Phase 4 Warlock Runes
Here are all of the new Warlock Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:
NOTE: Currently not all of the Warlock runes for WoW SoD Phase 4 have been discovered, but we will update the article as soon as we have more information.
Infernal Armor Rune
Here is the Infernal Armor Warlock rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Go to the Blasted Lands /way 66 31 and kill Shadowsworn Cultist or Shadowsworn Adept mobs to obtain a Shadowsworn Note
- Enter the cave and then go to the altar at the far end and click on the altar for a sacrifice that deals heavy damage
Tip: Make sure to bring friends, preferrably a healer as well as Greater Spellstone, Shadow Ward and Sacrifice on a Voidwalker so you can survive the damage from the altar.
- If you survive the altar sacrifice, a level 56 Elite will be summoned you need to kill to loot the rune
Mark of Chaos Rune
Here is the Mark of Chaos Warlock rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Go to Western Plaguelands at /way 38 54 or /way 50 80 to find a Skeletal Flayer
- Use Drain Soul on the mob to get three Plagued Soul Shard
- For Alliance players head to Chillwind Camp at /
way 43.4 84.1 and talk with Pixi Pilfershard to get the rune - For Horde players head to The Bulwark at /
way 83.1 72.7 and talk with Prazik Pilfershard to get the rune
Decimation Rune
Here is the Decimation Warlock rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Head to either Burning Steppes or Eastern Plaguelands and send your Explorer Imp inside a Fel Rift until you find a Legion Portal Tuner
- Use the item on Fel Scar in Blasted Lands, Feralas, or Azshara for a chance to get a Portal Tuner Tuner
- Use Portal Tuner Tuner to turn Legion Portal Tuner into Overcharged Portal Tuner
- Then you will have to use Overcharged Portal Tuner on Fel Scar in Blasted Lands, Feralas, or Azshara and once the portal turns red, send your imp to get the Rune of Decimation
And that covers all of the new Warlock Cloak Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. Best of luck on your journey, Champions of Azeroth!