World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is now live, and a lot of players are busy collecting the new runes for their class. This time around, most classes get up to 3 new runes for the final phase of SoD so players will not have to invest that much time into getting their much-needed endgame powerups. With that in mind, we have gathered all of the Warrior runes and how you can obtain them in this guide.
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WoW SoD Phase 4 Warrior Runes
Here are all of the new Warrior Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:
NOTE: Currently not all of the Warrior runes for WoW SoD Phase 4 have been discovered, but we will update the article as soon as we have more information.
Fresh Meat Rune
Here is the Fresh Meat Warrior rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Go to the Blackrock Stronghold in Burning Steppes /way 43 36
- Kill 5 mobs to get the Rhythm of War buff
- Make your way to the back of the stronghold /way 39 27 and use /salute in front of the altar to summon the Revered Champion which will drop Rune of the First Warrior
Sudden Death Rune
Here is the Sudden Death Warrior rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- Once you are at least Level 55, head to Silithus to find the Wandering Swordsman and pick up the Infinite Midnight quest
- Once you accept the quest, you will be ported to a platform where you need to defeat the Titanic Watcher along with his adds to get Timeless Wanderer's Insights
Tip: You will have an option to choose between several difficulties, but all of them reward the rune upon completion.
Shockwave Rune
Here is the Shockwave Warrior rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- You will need to go to Tanaris and find the Half-Buried Mech at /way 59.2 91 to accept and complete the Beach Bot quest
- Start the Mechanical Romance quest and look for the NPC Spike Lakeman
Tip: You will have to swim quite a lot for this rune so make sure to use Guided Buoyancy Accelerant or Water Treads.
Turn the quest into Sebastian Jurgens on a remote island. Pick up Frosty Favors nearby from the back of an oil rig.
- Then travel to Winterspring and turn in the Frosty Favors into Numi at /way 61.2 37.0 in Everlook
- Start the Red Bag Blues quest and head to Burning Steppes and find the Red Bag by walking up the mountain at /way 59, 29 so you can reach the remote camp at /way 53.0 24.8
- Pick up the Poacher's Den quest and kill the level 59 mobs Blackrock Bootlegger and Sulfuron Smuggler for the Vertically Composited Patch Hampler and Brass-fitted Flam-Tamp Flange. You can also find some parts on the ground
- Return to Everlook in Winterspring and turn in the Poacher's Den quest to pick up Bookin' it Back as you will need to head back to the island in Tanaris
- Once you hand in the quest to Sebastian Jurgens you will get the follow-up quest Rift Away that will have you follow the NPC to a teleporter and go to either Westfall (Alliance) or Tirisfal Glades (Horde)
- Talk with the NPC there and hit the button to summon a very strong Harvest Golem V000-A
Tip: This will be a very difficult fight so make sure to grab healers and more DPS to ensure your victory.
The fight will consist of three phases:
Phase 1: Kick Harvest Golem V000-A casts
Phase 2: Kite Harvest Golem V000-A so the armor stacks fall off
Phase 3: Use Shield Wall to survive the hits
Once defeated, loot the Mech Arm on the ground for Premonition and Combat Foresight
And that covers all of the new Warrior Cloak Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. Best of luck on your journey, Champions of Azeroth!