World of Warcraft is preparing for the upcoming release of The War Within. Today Blizzard released a brand new Hero Talents system for each class in the expansion. We can expect changes in Retail as many players have been wishing for more flavor in their classes. Fortunately, these new Hero Talent Trees look promising!
In this guide, we will check out the new Hero Talent Tree for Warlocks, called Diabolist, and we'll judge how powerful we can expect the talents to be.

WoW The War Within: Diabolist Warlock Hero Talent Tree
Since there is a lot to cover in the initial Hero Talent tree, we will be separately examining all of the nodes to better understand the core concepts.
Diabolic Keystone
Diabolic Ritual: Spending a Soul Shard grants Diabolic Ritual for 20 seconds. While Diabolic Ritual is active, each Soul Shard spent reduces its duration by 1 second. When Diabolic Ritual expires you gain Demonic Art, causing your next ability that costs Soul Shards to summon an Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or Pit Lord that unleashes a devastating attack against your enemies.
Diabolist Row 1
Cloven Souls: Enemies damaged by your Overlord have their souls cloven, increasing damage taken by you and your pets by 10% for 20 seconds.
Touch of Rancora: Diabolic Ritual increases the damage of your next ability that costs Soul Shards by 30% and reduces its cast time by 50%.
Secrets of the Coven: Mother of Chaos empowers your next Shadow Bolt or Incinerate to become Demonfire Barrage.
- Demonfire Barrage: Channel a barrage of 4 Shadow Bolts at 150% effectiveness toward the enemy target over 1.5 seconds.
Diabolist Row 2
Choice Node: Soul-Etched Circles and Annihilan’s Bellow
- Soul-Etched Circles: You always gain the benefit of Soulburn when casting Demonic Circle: Teleport, increasing your movement speed by 50% and making you immune to snares and roots for 6 seconds.
- Annihilan's Bellow: Howl of Terror cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds and range is increased by 5 yards.
Choice Node: Cruelty of Kerxan and Infernal Machine
- Cruelty of Kerxan: Nether Portal, Summon Demonic Tyrant, and Summon Infernal grant Diabolic Ritual and reduce its duration by 3 seconds.
- Infernal Machine: Abilities that cost Soul Shards decrease the duration of Diabolic Ritual by 1 additional second while your Demonic Tyrant, Nether Portal, or Infernal is active.
Choice Node: Infernal Vitality and Infernal Bulwark
- Infernal Vitality: Unending Resolve heals you for 30% of your maximum health over 10 seconds.
- Infernal Bulwark: Unending Resolve grants Soul Leech equal to 10% of your maximum health and increases the maximum amount Soul Leech can absorb by 10% for 8 seconds.
Diabolist Row 3
Flames of Xoroth: Fire damage increased 2% and damage dealt by your demons is increased 2%.
Abyssal Dominion: Grimoire: Felguard and Cataclysm gain additional effects:
- Grimoire: Felguard (Demonology) lasts 3 seconds longer and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
- Casting Cataclysm (Destruction) summons an Overfiend that casts Chaos Bolt 2 times at 80% effectiveness before departing.
Gloom of Nathreza: Hand of Gul'dan deals 15% increased damage for each Soul Shard spent. Enemies marked by your Havoc take 5% increased damage from your single target spells.
Diabolist Capstone
Ruination: Summoning a Pit Lord causes your next Hand of Gul'dan or Chaos Bolt to become Ruination.
- Ruination: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yards of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
We can see more demons in the game, which explains the name 'Diabolist'. However, it does seem like there aren't a lot of changes, aside from a couple of interesting interactions with the preexisting kit. So far WoW players seem excited about this one.
As more is being revealed regarding the newest World of Warcraft Expansion: The War Within, we are slowly starting to see just how much the scales have changed for Retail WoW. Here is the entire Hero Talent Tree as presented in the most recent blue post.