With the upcoming The War Within expansion, Blizzard will also be introducing a brand new allied race - the Earthen. These dwarves will be the first Neutral Allied Race available to both the Horde and Alliance factions. They will have unique customization options which will further allow players to create their favorite appearance to match the mighty and ancient race.
This Titan-Forged race will possibly play a crucial role during the entire The War Within campaign as players seek out to aid Azeroth and banish the new evil that is threatening the existence of the very fabric of space and time.
With that being said, we will take a look at everything we know about the new race as Wowhead was able to datamine some very cool and interesting aspects of the upcoming race in World of Warcraft.

Earthen Allied Race Customization

This race will feature some great customization options, most notably the ability to put bears on female characters which will probably make up for some creative designs and concepts along with the entire living stone imbued with the essence of Azeroth's worldsoul theme.
Earthen Allied Race Heritage Armor
We already have glimpses of the heritage armor design for the Earthen Race, however, the Helm is missing currently.

Earthen Allied Race Classes
The race will be able to choose between 10 classes in World of Warcraft The War Within.
- Death Knight
- Hunter
- Mage
- Monk
- Paladin
- Priest
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Warlock
- Warrior
We also got to see what the Paladin mount and Shaman totems will look like.

Earthen Allied Race Racials

Although we do not have concrete information in terms of stats and how their racial abilities will work, it seems the main focus will be centered around professions.
And that is everything we know so far about the new neutral allied race coming to The War Within. We will be looking forward to more as more and more players start exploring The War Within Alpha build so hopefully more information will come to light soon.