World of Warcraft is preparing for the upcoming release of The War Within. Today Blizzard released a brand new Hero Talents system for each class in the expansion. We can expect changes in Retail as many players have been wishing for more flavor in their classes. Fortunately, these new Hero Talent Trees look promising!
In this guide, we will check out the new Hero Talent tree for Rogues, called Trickster, and we'll judge how powerful we can expect the talents to be.

WoW The War Within: Trickster Rogue Hero Talent Tree
Since there is a lot to cover in the initial Hero Talent tree, we will be separately examining all of the nodes to better understand the core concepts.
Trickster Keystone
Unseen Blade: Feint now grants 2 Combo Points and quickly slashes with an Unseen Blade dealing damage to nearby enemies. Targets struck are Fazed for 5 seconds.
Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks.
Trickster Row 1
Surprising Strikes: Attacks that generate Combo Points deal 25% increased critical strike damage to Fazed targets.
Choice Node: Smoke and Mirrors
- Smoke: You take 5% reduced damage from Fazed targets.
- Mirrors: Feint reduces area damage taken by an additional 10%.
Flawless Form: Killing Spree (Outlaw) and Secret Technique (Subtlety) grant Mastery for 5 seconds. Multiple applications may overlap.
Trickster Row 2
Choice Node: So Tricky and Don’t Be Suspicious
- So Tricky: Tricks of the Trade’s threat redirect duration is increased to 1 hour.
- Don’t Be Suspicious: Blind and Shroud of Concealment have 10% reduced cooldown. Pick Pocket and Sap range increased by 10 yards.
Devious Distractions: Distract and Killing Spree (Outlaw) and Secret Technique (Subtlety) cause targets to be Fazed for 10 seconds.
Choice Node: Thousand Cuts and Flickerstrike
- Thousand Cuts: Slice and Dice grants 10% additional attack speed and gives your auto attacks a chance to trigger Unseen Blade.
- Flickerstrike: Taking area damage while Feint is active or dodging while Evasion is active triggers Unseen Blade. This effect may only occur once every 5 seconds.
Trickster Row 3
Nimble Flurry: Killing Spree (Outlaw) and Secret Technique (Subtlety) deal 10% more damage and have a 10% reduced cooldown.
Choice Node: Cloud Cover and No Scruples
- Cloud Cover: Distract now creates a cloud of smoke for 10 seconds and its cooldown is increased to 90 seconds. Attacks from within the cloud afflict targets with Fazed for 5 seconds.
- No Scruples: Finishing moves have a 10% increased chance to critically strike Fazed targets.
Elaborate Twirl: Increases the duration of Flawless Form by 2 seconds.
Trickster Capstone
Coup de Grace: After 4 strikes with Unseen Blade, your next Dispatch (Outlaw), Eviscerate, or Black Powder (Subtlety)will be performed as a Coup de Grace, dealing 40% increased damage. If the primary target is Fazed, gain 5 stacks of Flawless Form.
Seems like Trickster Rogues will be playing dirty in WoW. Misdirection, dirty tricks, and flashing blades will spice up the combat. Distract your enemies and take them down they won't see it coming.
As more is being revealed regarding the newest World of Warcraft Expansion: The War Within, we are slowly starting to see just how much the scales have changed for Retail WoW. Here is the entire Hero Talent Tree as presented in the most recent blue post.