WoW The War Within: Slayer Warrior Hero Talent Tree

We will be taking a look at an upcoming hero talent tree for the Arms/Fury specialization Warrior in the upcoming World of Warcraft The War Within expansion

WoW The War Within: Slayer Warrior Hero Talent Tree

Blizzard has shown another set of brand new hero talent trees that will be coming in the next World of Warcraft expansion- The War Within. We will be taking a look as this hero talent tree will be centered around Arms and Fury Warriors so we will see how much the gameplay will be impacted.

Blizzard has set a lot of high expectations following their reveal of the three next expansions that will be rolled out over the following years. Although the concepts and ideas behind these hero talent trees share similarities with features from previous expansions, it is exciting to see how this will be integrated into retail WoW.

WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Hero Talent Tree



WoW The War Within: Slayer Warrior Hero Talent Tree

Since there is a lot to cover in the initial Hero Talent tree, we will be separately examining all of the nodes so we can get a better understanding of the core concepts.

WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Talent Tree

Slayer Keystone

Slayer’s Dominance: Your attacks have a high chance to overwhelm your target's defenses and trigger a Slayer's Strike, dealing low damage and applying Marked for Execution, increasing the damage they take from your next Execute by 10%. Stacks 3 times.

WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Talent Tree


 Row 1

Imminent Demise: Sudden Death's chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and make it usable on any target, regardless of health is increased.

Using Sudden Death accelerates your next Bladestorm, striking 1 additional time (max 3). Bladestorm's total duration is unchanged.

Overwhelming Blades: Each strike of Bladestorm applies Overwhelmed to all enemies affected, increasing damage taken by 1% for 10 seconds.

Developer’s Note: Fury will have access to Bladestorm via specialization talents in The War Within.

Choice Node: 

  • Relentless Pursuit: Charge removes all movement impairing effects and grants you 70% movement speed for 3 seconds.
  • Vicious Agility: Heroic Leap reduces the cooldown of Charge by 5 seconds and Charge reduces the cooldown of Heroic Leap by 5 seconds.


WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Talent Tree

Slayer Row 2


Death Drive: You heal for 50% of damage dealt by Sudden Death.

Choice Node: 

  • Slayer Reflexes: Slayer's Strikes have a chance to reset the cooldown of Bloodthirst and Overpower.
  • Constant Pressure: Cooldown of Overpower reduced by 10% (Arms). Cooldown of Bloodthirst reduced by 10% (Fury).

Choice Node: 

  • Tunnel Vision: Your auto-attack speed increases while you are in combat. Changing targets resets this effect.
  • Thrill of the Kill: Execute increases your auto-attack speed for 10 seconds.
WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Talent Tree


 Row 3


Slay: Marked for Execution increases the critical strike chance and critical strike Damage of your next Execute on the target by 5%.

Frenetic Flurry: Overpower (Arms) and Bloodthirst (Fury) have a chance to cause you to unleash a brief Bladestorm, striking all enemies around you once. You can now use Pummel and Storm Bolt while Bladestorming.

Slayer’s Focus: Overpower cooldown reduced by 10% (Arms). Bloodthirst cooldown reduced by 10% (Fury).

WoW The War Within Rider of the Apocalypse Death Knight Hero Talent TreeWoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Talent Tree




Unrelenting Onslaught: When you Execute a target that you've Marked for Execution, reduce the cooldown of Bladestorm by 5 seconds per stack of Marked for Execution and apply stacks of Overwhelmed equal to the number of stacks of Marked for Execution the target had.




Overall, these are some very interesting design choices behind making Arms and Fury Warriors deal even more damage as they gain more tools to deal AoE damage as well. 

As more is being revealed regarding the newest World of Warcraft Expansion: The War Within, we are slowly starting to see just how much the scales have changed for Retail WoW. Here is the entire Hero Talent Tree as presented in the most recent blue post.

WoW The War Within Slayer Warrior Hero Talent Tree
