BlizzCon revealed the new WoW feature - Warbands - and it's a real game-changer. Playing alternate characters (alts) is the norm today, which the WoW team fully supports. Warbands offer a new way to face challenges as a player with numerous accounts. It's a convenient solution that helps players manage multiple characters without feeling bored or overworked.
Account-Wide Banks
Banks will offer a shared account between characters. Players won't be needing to mail themselves anything anymore!
The game will introduce a new type of items which will drop as special loot. They can't be sold but can be transferred to a different character from the Warband, much like hand-me-downs.
Other Features
- Transmog is warband-wide, Mages can unlock Plate items in their collection and your Warrior can transmog them without having to refarm the armor type.
- Reputations, Renowns, and Achievements will be account-wide.
- Flight paths will be shared across accounts, requiring players to unlock paths just once.
- In Season 1, the Delve Companion Brann Bronzebeard will maintain shared progress across all characters.
New Character Select Screen
The new screen shows all of your available characters, gathered together and ready for adventure! The best part is that it does not matter which server they're in.