The World of Warcraft team is gearing up for in-game adjustments reportedly inspired by player feedback. While these changes will target a few classes, fan reactions suggest dissatisfaction. Let's delve into the details:

We continue to closely monitor data on class performance in-game as well as player feedback. With scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, we’ll make the following adjustments to classes that are over- and under-performing in group content and PvP.
Frost Death Kinght
It appears that the damage from Frostwyrm's Fury has been increased, but its overall effectiveness has been reduced to balance this change. Chill Streak, Obliterate damage, Enduring Chill, and Piercing Chill, on the other hand, receive a substantial buff.
Aberrus, the Shadow Crucible 2-piece set
The damage of your next Frostwyrm’s Fury is increased by 4% (was 5%). Stacks unchanged.
The effectiveness of Frostywrm’s Fury reduced to 25% (was 30%).
Howling Blast damage reduced to 10% (was 20%).
Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope 4-piece set
Chill Streak can bounce 3 additional times (was 2 times).
The chance to proc a bonus effect increased to 35% (was 30%).
Chill Streak damage increased by 10%.
Obliterate damage increased by 8%.
Enduring Chill chance to bounce increased to 25% (was 20%).
Piercing Chill damage increased to 12% (was 10%).
Restoration Druid
Restoration Druid's healing is being buffed but the changes won't apply to PvP.
All healing increased by 3%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Shadow Priest
Shadow Priest damage has been buffed by 5%; however, many players believe that this class is in dire need of a more substantial power increase.
All damage increased by 5%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Affliction & Destruction Warlock
Both Affliction and Destruction Warlocks receive a buff to their pet's abilities, which does not apply to PvP.
All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abilities increased by 6%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Player versus Player Changes
Havoc Demon Hunter
Havoc Demon Huners are getting a huge buff to to their damage increase chance.
Chaotic Disposition (talent) now has a 33.33% chance (base 7.77%) to increase damage by 4% (base 17%) in PvP combat, providing the same average damage bonus with significantly less variance.
Feral Druid
The first nerf introduced is to Feral Druids, with a reduction of more than half in Regrowth healing.
Regrowth healing is now reduced by 20% in PvP combat (was 43%).
Evokers are receiving substantial buffs, including increased damage for Azure Strike and Eruption, along with significantly reduced cooldowns. Dream Flight healing sees a 100% increase. However, to balance these changes, there are nerfs to Upheaval damage and mana regeneration.
- Azure Strike damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.
- Time Stop (PvP talent) cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
- Chrono Loop (PvP talent) cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
- Augmentation
- Upheaval damage reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
- Eruption damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
- Preservation
- Dream Flight healing increased by 100% in PvP combat.
- Mana regeneration now reduced by 5% in PvP Combat (was 10%).
Holy Preist
Holy Priest is receiving a healing buff; however, some fans of the game are expressing that these adjustments might not be sufficient for the overall class.
- All healing increased by 6% in PvP Combat.
Community Reactions
The overall sentiment within the World of Warcraft community toward the class tuning appears to be negative. According to some players, Blizzard has missed the mark in delivering the changes that fans truly desire for the game. Feral Druid and Shadow Priest are still considered quite weak, while Demo and Havoc are not receiving nerfs. These adjustments, as per player feedback, seem insufficient, and there is hope for more substantial changes in the near future.