Remedy Entertainment has announced a major free update for Alan Wake 2 titled "The Final Draft," arriving on December 11th. This update...
7 months ago
In Alan Wake 2, there are six TV ads about the Koskela brothers. To get the Koskela Brothers achievement, you have to watch all these...
8 months ago
Alan Wake 2 is a game full of strange and exciting moments, set in a creepy place called the Dark Place. As you try to get out, you'll find...
8 months ago
In the game Alan Wake 2, discovering a Cult Stash rewards you with useful items, similar to the benefits you receive from locating...
8 months ago
In Alan Wake 2, when you find and open a Cult Stash, you get helpful things just like you would from finding Lunchboxes and Nursery Rhymes....
8 months ago
Every Cult Stash you unlock in Alan Wake 2 rewards you with useful items. Similar to searching for Lunchboxes and Nursery Rhymes, seeking...
8 months ago
In the game Alan Wake 2, when you play as Saga, look out for special lunchboxes. They have an Alex Casey logo and contain parts to upgrade...
8 months ago
Alan Wake 2 hides lots of extras in its spooky story. You can find secret cult spots and nursery rhymes in its big world. You don’t need...
8 months ago
In Alan Wake 2, you'll find some eerie surprises, like nursery rhymes and dolls that seem to come alive! Each one is like a mini mystery...
8 months ago
One of the most challenging boss fights in Alan Wake 2 is against the ghostly Drowned Lady named Cynthia. Mastering this supernatural...
8 months ago
In a recent interview, Sam Lake discussed his ideas for Remedy's next venture. Although Remedy is known for its unique games, such as Alan...
8 months ago
Alan Wake 2 is back with thrilling survival challenges and intriguing mysteries. In the game, you play as either Alan Wake, trying to...
8 months ago
Developers have officially rolled out the patch notes for the initial update of Alan Wake 2. This update is available for all consoles and...
8 months ago
In "Alan Wake 2", charms function as special enhancements for Saga or Alan, influencing gameplay dynamics, especially in combat. These are...
8 months ago
"Alan Wake 2" has cool stuff to find, like the Writer's Journey Videos. Some are easy to get, others are hard. Want to know where they all...
8 months ago
In "Alan Wake 2", you'll do a lot of looking around. Sometimes you'll find things like boxes or computers that need a password. You can...
8 months ago
Want to get into the computer at Witchfinder’s Station? Here's how:
Finding the Station:
Remedy Entertainment
Keep going in the story...
9 months ago
After a weird interview in the first part of the game, you get stuck in a spooky Talk Show Studio in "Alan Wake 2". Your challenge? Find...
9 months ago
In "Alan Wake 2", the Screwdriver isn't just a tool—it's your way to discover hidden stuff in the game. Many boxes and containers in the...
9 months ago
Playing as Saga Anderson or Alan Wake, you'll unravel their unique stories. From the start, you'll team up with a detective and see how...
9 months ago