Apex Legends launched its newest season 'Upheaval' with a brand new legend along with some balance and map changes. As with every season, new strategies are unveiled as the developers tweak and adjust the power levels of Legends so a lot can shift from season to season.
With that being said, we will review all of the Legends in Apex Legends and find out which are the best of the best so you can more easily climb the ranked ladder and improve your performance in critical situations.
Table of Contents

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine the Legends currently available in Apex Legends Season 21.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these Legends as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be useful, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best Legends you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which Legend feels fun to play with.

Apex Legends Season 21: D-Tier Legends
Mirage has been swimming in the deep end for quite some time as there are simply too many counters currently in the game.
- Decent Support kit
- Too many counters
Despite the recent changes, Ballistic is still on the weaker side.
- Good in very niche situations
- Unimpactful kit and damage
Apex Legends Season 21: C-Tier Legends
Currently, Fuse's kit does offer a lot of utility in the heavy-skirmish area where people are constantly running to different locations.
- Offers some area control
- Kit does not reliably hold off enemies
This Legend is not great in a ranked environment as hit kit makes him rather selfish when battling squads.
- Amazing in solo play
- Awful in most matchups
Although Ash can shine in some areas, ultimately she struggles to maintain the same relevancy as much better Legends higher on the list.
- Offers some useful utility
- Consistently nerfed into the ground
Apex Legends Season 21: B-Tier Legends
Although Catalyst received some decent buffs, she still remains a rather unreliable control Legend.
- Can be beneficial in certain setups
- Her kit and unique playstyle make her mediocre at best
Rampart requires a lot of setup to make her consistent, however, the current meta favors more aggressive and mobile Legends.
Vantage remains a very middle-of-the-pack legend as she has seen better days.
- Sniper Rifle that is very annoying to play against
- Can struggle if her kit is not utilized effectively
Although her ability to call in a Care Package is great, this does not scale into the later stages of the match.
Apex Legends Season 21: A-Tier Legends
This Legend has seen a lot of nerfs the past couple of seasons as this entry fragger still remains a strong pick.
The same applies to Conduit as she is a very well-rounded pick that can perform great.
- Enables aggressive Legends to excel
- She is not as overpowered as other Legends currently
The current maps favor Horizon's kit and playstyle as you have a lot more mobility as well as solo win most fights.
Another aggressive Legend that offers a lot of utility and damage that can single-handedly disrupt any enemy squad, however, she can be quite buggy at times.
Pathfinder is an excellent skirmishers that can traverse terrain quite easily.
- Packed with a lot of utility that can help you swing the tide in your favor
- Hitbox is way too big so you can become an easy target
The new perks system practically reverts the major nerfs she received in the last seasons.
- Ability to move your squad away from danger
- Her kit can be slightly underwhelming on certain maps
Apex Legends Season 21: S-Tier Legends
His kit favors the current meta quite heavily as Gibraltar brings a lot to the table in terms of utility and fighting potential.
An incredible Legend that is worth investing time to learn as you will quite quickly climb up the ladder.
- Can be quite a threat if you are able to chuck some EMPs
- Excels in the late game
Caustic remains a terrifying threat in close quarters, making his kit even stronger in the current meta.
Despite his recent buffs, his play rate still remains quite low due to his rather unfun playstyle.
Wraith has always been the go-to entry fragger as this Legend has always been a staple in most comps.
- Her portal enables her to quite efficiently deal with enemies
- Can suffer against
The newest Legend that was added to the game, Alter is an amazing choice due to her kit and overall playstyle which is perfect for the current meta.
- Incredible mobility, coupled with amazing utility that can get your team out of a pinch
- Void Nexus bug that might get patched

Summary of Best Legends in Apex Legends Season 21
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which Legends are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
Apex Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite Legend and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!
Tier | Legends |
D-Tier | Mirage, Ballistic |
C-Tier | Fuse, Octane, Ash |
B-Tier | Catalyst, Loba, Rampart, Vantage, Seer, Lifeline |
A-Tier | Bangalore, Conduit, Horizon, Mad Maggie, Pathfinder, Revenant, Valkyrie, Wattson |
S-Tier |
Gibraltar, Crypto, Bloodhound, Caustic, Newcastle, Wraith, Alter |
You can learn more about this tier list by watching our detailed video, here: