If you've ever dreamed of creating a character that's a unique blend of multiple classes in Baldur's Gate 3, then multiclassing is your path to customization. This guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to embark on your multiclassing journey.
What is Multiclassing?
Multiclassing enables you to build a character that combines skills and abilities from more than one class. Rather than sticking with a single class as you level up, multiclassing allows you to diversify. However, it comes at the cost of higher-level class features you'd gain by sticking to a single class.
In Baldur's Gate 3, characters can reach a maximum level of 12. When you multiclass, your combined class levels must add up to 12. For instance, you could start as a Druid for the first two levels and then multiclass into a Monk for the remaining ten levels, resulting in a Level 2 Druid and Level 10 Monk combination at Level 12.

You can only level up one class at a time, which provides flexibility in alternating between classes during level-ups. The level-up screen will display all the classes you're combining for your multiclass, allowing you to switch between them as needed.
To optimize your multiclass, study the various classes and subclasses available. Experiment with different combinations and consider how your character's abilities will synergize with your companions and party members. Generally, it's advisable to choose classes that prioritize the same attributes. For example, Bardlock (Bard and Warlock) or Sorlock (Sorcerer and Warlock) both rely on Charisma for spellcasting.

How to Access Multiclassing
Multiclassing becomes available when your character reaches Level 2. During the level-up process, you can preview the features unlocked at the next level of your current class. On the left side of the 'Level Up' window, you'll see a button with the class symbol. Hover over this button and select 'Add Class.'
This action takes you to a page where you can choose from various class options and customize your subclass and other class features. Your current class levels are displayed on the corresponding class icons, indicating how many levels you've acquired in each class. If you change your mind and wish to remain with your initial class, select 'Cancel' to return to the previous menu.

Even if you've advanced beyond Level 1, you can still multiclass your existing character without starting over by respeccing. Refer to the 'Changing Your Multiclass Build' section below for details.
Additionally, in a multiplayer campaign with a party of Level 2 or higher, you have the opportunity to multiclass your character to match the party's level.
Changing Your Multiclass Build
Multiclassing provides ample room for experimentation, but sometimes your chosen build might not align with your character or party dynamics. In such cases, fear not – you can respec your character and start anew on your multiclassing adventure.

To change your class, you'll need to locate Withers, who can facilitate the process for a fee of 100 gold. For comprehensive instructions on finding Withers and respeccing your class, consult our dedicated guide.
Upon initiation, this will reset your character to Level 1, enabling you to customize your initial class. You can then level up again to your previous level and follow the same multiclassing instructions to reshape your character's build as desired.