Rings in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are accessories you can equip to boost the Arisen’s stats or to give you a unique effect as you travel around the map. Regardless of what you intend to do, finding the right equipment is one of the most important aspects of any action RPG.

You can find rings throughout your playthrough and all have their strengths. We will be looking at the Eternal Bond ring and seeing why you should use it to boost your affinity with the characters you will meet throughout Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Where to Find the Eternal Bond Ring in Dragon’s Dogma 2
As far as we know, there are two Eternal Bond rings in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You can find one by solving the Sphinx’s riddles. For the second one, you will need to collect enough Seeker Tokens to exchange them in a Vocation Guild.

The Sphinx will give you many riddles throughout the questline and you will earn rewards of different shapes and sizes. You will receive the Eternal Bond for completing the Riddle Of Futility. If you need help figuring out the puzzles check out our guide here.
You will need to collect 120 Seeker tokens to earn the reward of the Eternal Bond. If you are a completionist you will be on their trail anyway so it’s definitely a worthwhile reward for finding half of them. Keep in mind that when you earn a reward for collecting Seeker Tokens, your count does not return to zero.
How to Use the Eternal Bond Ring in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Many players believe that the only use for the Eternal Bond ring is to give it to an NPC to boost their affinity. This is not the only use, though it is a useful tactic because this one item can pretty much max out their affection towards you.
Some fans of Dragon’s Dogma 2 have speculated that the best use for the Eternal Bond ring is to equip it to the Arisen. All affinity gained from everything you do and every gift you give the different characters throughout the game will increase.

In simple terms, you will become more likable. Finding the Eternal Bond ring as early as possible can save hours because you will have to do less and give less to reach the maximum level of affinity with all your favorite NPCs.
Considering there are two Eternal Bond rings, it does make sense to gift one to a character you want to impress but can’t be bothered going through the motions. We do recommend keeping one for yourself to reduce the precious time it takes to romance your beloved.

That’s everything you need to know about the Eternal Bond ring in Dragon’s Dogma 2. I hope this helped. Check out our guides on the Phantom Oxcart, Off the Pilfered Path, and Halls of the First Dawn quests.