Trying to figure out how to help the elves in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be annoying due to the language barrier. While it is realistic and enjoyable when you find a workaround, figuring out what gwyfencha is in The Ailing Arborheart can be a pain. Doireann might be able to use the common tongue but there are still some words she doesn’t know.

Before you come up against this issue, you will first need to help Glyndwr with his two quests, Gift of the Bow and A Trial of Archery. These missions will introduce the Arisen to the Sacred Arbor and Doireann. The Arborheart is the massive tree in the middle of the Sacred Arbor and is revered by the elves. It is dying and they need your help to restore it.
How to Start The Ailing Arborheart in Dragon’s Dogma 2
You can start this quest as soon as you have saved Doireann from the ogre at the end of A Trial of Archery. Despite this, you will need to travel to Bakbattahl in this quest so it is best to return when you have access to the capital city of Battahl. Regardless of when you start, head over to the Arborheart Shrine in the Sacred Arbor and talk to Doireann.

She will talk to you in Elvish at first but will quickly switch to the human language. She explains that the great tree is dying and requires some help. A dwarf once came to the Sacred Arbor and gave them a special type of soil that restored the Arborheart for a while. Now it is dying, she thinks that they need the substance once again.
The only downside is that she doesn’t know what to call the soil in the common tongue. She only knows the elvish word, gwyfencha. The Ailing Arborheart quest will begin and you have to figure out a way to learn what gwyfencha means.
How to Translate Gwyfencha in Dragon’s Dogma 2
You have three options to move forward with this quest. You can:
- Find Glyndwr and ask him to translate
- Hire a Pawn that has the Woodland Wordsmith Specialization
- Visit Gautstafr from the Put a Spring in Thy Step quest
Finding Glyndwr can be the fastest way of translating gwyfencha but the elf moves around a lot and is hard to find. You might find him in the Vernworth market like he was previously or he might be at the Mountain Ruins where he practices his archery skills.

If you raise your affinity with the innkeeper in the Sacred Arbor, she will gift you the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome and you can give it to your main Pawn. You can always go to the nearby Riftstone and hire a support pawn who already has the specialization if needed. Return to Doireann and your Pawn will translate instantly.
Gautstafr will be able to translate it straight away as soon as you have helped him and gained the Magick Archer Vocation. He will tell you that the word means Scalecinder and a dwarf in Bakbattahl can help you find it.

Head over to the capital city of Battahl in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and look for Brokkr's Smithy to continue in The Ailing Arborheart. The dwarf who runs the place will want nothing to do with the elves and will not help. Talk to his apprentice and she will let you know that she could help but Brokkr will not be happy. She asks that you bring some elvish food called nutriabh to placate her master.
Brokkr might not like the elves but has a fondness for their cooking. This will end The Ailing Arborheart and begin the Out of the Forest, Into the Forge quest.

That’s everything you need to know about The Ailing Arborheart. You will only receive a small amount of XP for your efforts so far but more rewards are on the way soon. I hope this helps and don’t forget to check out our guides on the Phantom Oxcart, The Arisen’s Shadow, and Shadowed Prayers quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2.