In Dragon's Dogma 2, you might spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to complete certain quests because the game doesn't always tell you what to do. Quests like the Caged Magistrate and Spellbound are other examples. You will need to do some guesswork before you have any idea what is going to happen. That's what we are here for.

You are going to want to start the Sacred Arbor questline as soon as you can because it will not only affect the true ending but will also give you the Maister's Teachings for the archer vocation. This questline starts with Gift of the Bow. You will meet Glyndwr, give him a human bow, and teach him how to use it.
How to start Gift of the Bow in Dragon's Dogma 2
When you reach Vernworth for the first time, it is good to take a look around and interact with the locals. You will be able to change your vocation for the first time in the Vocation Guild and we recommend doing so before starting Gift of the Bow. You will want to change to the archer class if you are not already.

The next step is to head to the market in Vernworth and search for a white-haired elf called Glyndwr. Start a conversation and he will ask you to give him a human bow. Considering that the elves make most bows in Dragon's Dogma 2, this is not the easiest task.
How to Complete Gift of the Bow in Dragon's Dogma 2
If you have a human bow in your inventory, feel free to hand it over. Don't give him one of your best bows because you are going to need a bow later in the quest. If you don't own anything that will fit with his request, the good news is that you don't have to search far. Nearby you will find Roderick, the smithy. You can pick up a Hunter's Bow from Roderick's inventory for the low cost of 4,240 gold.

At the beginning of the game this can seem steep, so feel free to come back when you have some savings. At the Borderwatch Outpost, you can pick up the Flute Bow for 810 gold if you want to save some money. When you have given Glyndwr a human bow, he will ask you to go with him and show him how to use it. He will ask you to meet him at his training range.
You will need to be an archer for this next section of the quest. The ruins where you are to meet him are close to the Trevo Mine and will be visible on your map. Be careful on your way there because that area has some powerful random encounters. Everything could be fine as you travel but you might also bump into a griffin or drake without any warning.

When you arrive, Glyndwr will ask you to demonstrate how to use the bow. Shoot the target he has set up and he will copy you. This will end the Gift of the Bow quest. It might seem a little anti-climactic but this isn't the end of your questline with Glyndwr.
That's everything you need to know about the Gift of the Bow Quest. Continuing with Glyndwr's questline will give you the Maister's Teachings for the archer vocation so it is worth helping him out. Check out our guides for the Arisen's Shadow, Every Rose Has Its Thorn, and A Veil of Gossamer Clouds quests. I hope this helps.