League of Legends is the kind of game that can easily absorb thousands of hours of your life across numerous years. From teaming up with pals to embarking on the challenging quest of carrying ranked matches solo, the League community boasts devoted players who've been part of this gaming universe for an extended period.
It's a delightful feeling to look back on your gaming odyssey and observe the champions that have dominated your playtime. While the in-game League of Legends client does track this information to some extent, a recent innovation has emerged – the mastery chart – offering a consolidated visual representation of your champion journey.

For those eager to encapsulate their in-game adventure within a single image and share it with friends, here's how you can acquire your very own League of Legends mastery chart.
Locating Your LoL Mastery Chart Given the vast assortment of champions in League of Legends, each boasting distinct playstyles, players often become synonymous with the champions they favor.
Whether you're a versatile player dabbling in a variety of roles or a dedicated one-trick showcasing your unwavering commitment to a single champion, the mastery chart provides an all-encompassing overview of your gaming history.
By navigating to the appropriately named masterychart.com, you can input your summoner name (or anyone else's) to unlock a visual revelation of their most-played champions. These charts often vary in appearance, some leaning heavily towards specific champions.
Devotees of a single champion tend to have their mastery chart predominantly dominated by the portrait of that champion, akin to a badge of distinction.

Even the developers at Riot Games have embraced this trend! While there's no official word on whether a similar feature will be integrated into the League of Legends client itself, this fan-generated innovation has garnered immense support from a significant portion of the League community.
The surge of enthusiasm surrounding this trend is hardly surprising within the League of Legends community. In fact, accessing the mastery chart site can prove challenging at times due to the site's popularity. The influx of new users has strained the site's capacity. In response, the developers are actively seeking donations to enhance the site's server capabilities, a message prominently displayed on the site's homepage.