League of Legends Patch 14.13 has been released and you might be wondering what's the next OP pick for solo queue in Ranked. There are a lot of changes in the meta, especially when it comes to bot lane. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to ADC champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which ADC will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the LoL meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken ADC champion.
Table of Contents
- Tier List Explanation
- League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier ADC Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier ADC Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier ADC Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier ADC Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier ADC Champions
- Summary of Best ADC Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.13

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the bot lane.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.

League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier ADC Champions
In the last ADC tier list, we mentioned Kalista is not in a good place and it turns out things can get even worse for her! She received a serious nerf from Riot to her base stats, W and Ult.
- Great mobility
- Amazing kiting
- Hard to learn
- Ult is dependent on the team
There were some attempts at making Smolder viable but he's just not a good choice for ADC or Mid. This champion's overall state is a PASS!
- AoE Damage
- Squishy
- Dependent on gold and stacks
- Quite weak
Corki is amongst the ADCs with the lowest win rates so far in LoL Patch 14.13. He's just not doing well and you should definitely not waste your time with him in Ranked.
- Okay range
- Good in team fights
- Easy CS
- Squishy
- Mana hungry
- No CC
The 2024 Season in League of Legends started off poorly for Aphelios but Riot has been trying their best to make him a viable choice. He's still in an unstable place and very dependent on how good your skills are.
- AoE damage
- Great duelist
- Difficult to play
- No mobility
Draven is a fan favorite who's been hard-stuck in the low tiers. He was in a stable place in LoL patch 14.11 but he's been doing worse since then.
- Snowball potential
- Aggressive and fun
- Difficult to have a comeback if you're behind
League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier ADC Champions
Varus got a lot of adjustments in the recent League of Legends update, in order to push players into using on-hit builds for him. With great poke and good objective-taking, he can add a lot to the team. Unfortunately, so far it seems like he's not performing that well and his win rate is going down.
- Adequate damage and tower pushing
- Good tank killer
- Very squishy
- Can struggle against heavy engage comps
As usual, Sivir is 'just okay' as an ADC. There's a lot of room for improvement with her, Riot. Keep in mind that she's possibly one of the best pushers in the game.
- Shield
- Good wave clear
- Squishy
- Short range
Samira peaked a few patches ago and since then she's only been performing worse and worse. Add her difficult mechanics to that and you have a pretty bad combination.
- Great in team fights
- Huge snowball potential
- Mobile
- Difficult to pick up and master
- Weaker late game
- You need to hit combos
- Highest ADC ban rate
League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier ADC Champions
Guess who's finally out of the D-tier? That's right, Xayah received a buff to her E in LoL patch 14.13. This is a significant boost for her although she's still not as strong as many other champion options.
- AoE CC
- Good in team fights
- Decent scaling
- Full potential only with Rakan
- Not that easy to pick up
Lucian is one of the LoL champions who's been in a weird state in Season 14. He might not feel good to play in Ranked unless you main him.
- Amazing duelist
- Very mobile
- Short range
Tristana has always been a decent choice that can turn into an absolute monster in the right player's hands. She's very fun to play and an always decent LoL champion pick. Can you stomp the enemy team? Hell yeah! Will it take skill? Absolutely!
- Strong mid-late game
- Easy to pick up
- Squishy
- Short range early on
Yasuo seems to be in a decent place both in the bot lane and the mid lane - not amazing but not bad either. Definitely a choice for the seasoned Yasuo players only.
- Huge carry potential in low elo
- Annoying lane bully
- Dominates team fights
- High ban and pick rate
- Low elo players don't play him well (huge feed potential)
Riot had good intentions with Zeri but she's always lacking something to preform well. We're always seeing her going up and down this tier list...
- Easily dodges abilities
- AoE damage
- Very hard to pick up and master
- Squishy
- Weak early game
League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier ADC Champions
Brand was so used to dominating all lanes in the last few patches. However, in the recent League of Legends update his Passive and E got nerfed. This shouldn't bother you though, as he's still an OP pick.
- Amazing AoE damage
- Easy to pick up and master
- Bad utility
- Easily out-sustained
Nilah is an underrated ADC who's been performing extremely well in the current League of Legends season, especially after the buff in patch 14.12. She'll shine the brightest in team fights.
- Hypercarry
- Strong in team fights
- A lot of players in Low Elo don't know how to counter her
- Squishy
- Vulnerable to CC
- Hard to master
Surprisingly, Kog'Maw is turning into a stable and decent choice for ADC in Ranked.
- Mixed damage
- Hypercarry potential
- Strong late game
- Good range
- Weak early game
- No mobility
- Relies on the team
Guess who's still in the ADC A-tier and going strong? Seraphine has been a surprisingly good ADC for a while now and her win rate is getting better and better. She has everything you need - charm, stun, shield, and heal!
- Versatile kit
- Strong Utility
- Heal and shield
- Low pick and ban rate
- Squishy
The item changes in patch 14.12 returned Vayne to the top ADC tiers and this amazing duelist is here to stay.
- Great carry potential
- Spykes after just one item
- Scales very well
- Bad wave clear
- Very dependent on the support early on
With high poke and AoE damage, Ziggs can be very fun to play in Ranked. The best thing is that he can be strong even from behind.
- Great late game
- Amazing zoning
- Squishy
- Mana hungry
Ezreal got a much-deserved buff in the last patch. He's a good choice for the Summoner's Rift and we'll keep an eye on Riot's future plans for his state.
- Long range
- Hybrid damage
- Weak AAs
- Takes too much time to scale
League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier ADC Champions
LoL patch 14.13 brought a serious overall buff to MF (base attack damage and her W, Strut), making her quite OP. But, honestly, when hasn't she been a really good champion for Ranked?
- Great poke
- Lane bully
- Strong burst
- Squishy
Kai'Sa is doing amazing in LoL Patch 14.13. As a hybrid between a marksman and an assassin, she's absolutely insane in lane, if played properly. Just make sure you ban ADC champs who out-range her, such as Caitlyn.
- High burst and DPS
- Great scaling
- Reliant on items
- Not as easy to play as other ADCs
Jinx continues to be the dominating force in the bot lane. She's definitely a champion you should've picked up by now if you still haven't done so. Late game Jinx is absolutely insane and she's also really good with taking objectives.
- Easy to play and master
- Huge range
- Global ULT
- Squishy
- Reliant on items
- High pick and ban rate
Similar to Jinx, Jhin has been killing it in the past few patches, due to his great itemization. He's a classic LoL champion who is always performing well. Absolutely a champ pick you shouldn't sleep on!
- Great scaling
- Versatile kit
- Amazing range and AD
- Difficult to master
- Low attack speed
Caitlyn has turned into a monster in the bot lane her huge range and useful traps. She's been a force for quite a few patches now.
- Huge range
- Great poke
- Difficult early game
Twitch is one of those ADCs who are really annoying to play against. He's overall a menace and you can use this to your advantage in Ranked.
- Long range
- Stealthy
- Insane late game
- Low utility
- Weak early game
Ashe's passive might have gotten nerfed in patch 14.12 but she's still absolutely unstoppable.
- Strong crowd control and vision
- Global Ult
- Low Burst

Summary of Best ADC Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.13
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
Patch 14.13 is certainly shaking things up on Summoner's Rift. With that being said, League of Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite champion and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!
Tier | ADC Champions |
D-Tier | Aphelios, Corki, Draven, Kalista, Smolder |
C-Tier | Samira, Varus, Sivir |
B-Tier | Yasuo, Tristana,, Xayah, Lucian, Zeri |
A-Tier | Nilah, Seraphine, Ziggs, Sivir, Brand, Vayne, Ezreal, Kog'Maw |
S-Tier |