With Patch 14.13 now live, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to support champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which support will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion on the bot lane.
Table of Contents
- Tier List Explanation
- League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Support Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Support Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier Support Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier Support Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier Support Champions
- Summary of Best Support Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.13

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the support role.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.

League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Support Champions

Blitzcrank has quickly fallen out of favor as it seems the meta has shifted towards tankier supports or utility-heavy enchanters.
- Playmaking potential
- Hard to land hook
- Little-to-no tankiness
- Little-to-no utility

Lux is just not as powerful as before. Her pokle can be quite annoying, however, her relevancy falls off as the current meta favors enchanters or heavy-dive supports.

Although Morgana can be quite a good way to counter CC-heavy enemy comps, she is not as viable on the other fronts as her ultimate is very difficult to efficiently use.

Ashe can be useful in very lane-aggressive and poke comps, however, you will struggle to efficiently use her come late game.
League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Support Champions

Thresh has been quickly replaced by other much stronger and tankier supports. Although you can find some usefulness in picking him, you'd be better off going for champions higher up on the list.

Zyra has seen a lot of nerfs to her damage, as it seems players are preferring to play her as a jungler due to her fast clear speed.
- Annoying poke damage
- Very squishy
- Damage-first, support-second playstyle

Yuumi is seeing a lot more play due to her buffs, but she still struggles to keep up in terms of healing and utility.

Pantheon is still weak as an aggressive engage support, given how much he relies on Lethality items.
- Good damage
- Great roaming potential with ultimate
- Needs items to pop off
- Very greedy playstyle
League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier Support Champions

Neeko is somewhat decent, especially if you are able to effectively use her passive to outplay your enemies.
- Great CC
- Teamfight-deciding ultimate
- Can be tricky to pick up

Xerath has been seeing some play given how powerful his long-ranged poke can be when laning against short-ranged comps or when contesting objectives early into the game.

Despite Riot's attempts to make Camille a top lane champion first, she is still quite the threat in the bot lane as well.
- Great damage
- Amazing engage
- Lack of utility
- Lack of crowd control

Renata Glasc
Renata can be a great pick if you are looking for fight-oriented champions, especially when paired with a Kalista.
League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier Support Champions

Maokai is once again setting foot in the bot lane, only this time his roots are not as deep as previously.
- Great gank setup
- Decent tankiness
- Lack of damage
- Short range CC without ultimate

Taric can be very fun to play as hit kit coupled with his tankiness can help you get a slight edge over your lane opponents.

Bard is making a comeback, as his playstyle promotes a heavy roam-oriented strategy where you are constantly collecting chimes and helping out either your laners or jungler.
- Very strong ultimate
- Decent healing and damage
- Difficult to master

Lulu is lacking just slightly from being in the S-Tier, but her hypercarry-enabling kit can surely benefit most of the ADCs.
- Great utility
- Decent lane harass
- Needs to be paired with a hypercarry champion

Janna can be quite useful when dealing with heavy-engage comps as her kit can allow your carries to safely disengage from tough team fights.
- Decent lane damage
- Great utility
- Very vulnerable

Seraphine has finally found her sweet spot with Riot devs being able to balance her kit to fit the support role.
- Good damage
- Great utility
- Very squishy
League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier Support Champions

Alistar has been unchained for quite some time given how much you can impact any skirmish or team fight.
- Super engage potential
- Incredible team fighting durability and viability
- Built-in tankiness
- Long cooldowns on abilities can make him feel useless

Since Rell is now a support champion only, her kit is still incredible for jumping on the enemy bot lane and team overall as she has some of the strongest engage tools on the Rift.
- Great tankiness
- Incredible CC
- Amazing lane presence
- Can struggle against ranged bot lanes

Braum is one of the best defensive supports as you can ensure your hypercarries scale up nicely, especially when you fear getting dived and ganked constantly.
- Incredible utility
- Good CC
- Easy to play
- Can struggle if behind

Nami is doing great as an enchanter, especially when paired up with a Lucian, you can easily win your lane and offer a lot in team fights.
- Good CC
- Amazing pressure in lane
- Difficult to land CC

Pyke has once again become a menace not only due to his annoying hooks but also his incredible roaming capabilities
- Great snowballing champion
- Very aggressive and proactive playstyle
- Best roaming champion
- Can struggle against poke-heavy comps

Frontline supports are back in action, and Naut is no stranger to being one of the best CC champions in the bot lane.
- Tons of CC
- Built-in tankiness
- Can struggle against poke teams

Leona is simply a much better Nautilus as not only is she much more tankier than most support champions, but the amount of CC she has can be outright disgusting.
- Very tanky
- Amazing engage
- Peeling is off the charts
- Needs decent follow up to set up good team fights with her kit

Karma is surprisingly good after her buffs in 14.12, as she is still a very strong enchanter pick.
- Great utility
- Very fun to play
- Good laning phase
- Requires a good frontline to shine

Summary of Best Support Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.13
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable. The bot lane has exploded due to the recent ADC item changes, making the meta more bot lane-oriented and allowing more aggressive picks to take prevalence.
League of Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite champion and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!
Tier | Support Champions |
D-Tier | Blitzcrank, Lux, Morgana, Ashe |
C-Tier | Thresh, Zyra, Yuumi, Pantheon |
B-Tier | Neeko, Xerath, Camille, Renata Glasc |
A-Tier | Maokai, Taric, Bard, Lulu, Janna, Seraphine |
S-Tier |
Alistar, Rell, Braum, Nami, Pyke, Nautilus, Leona, Karma |