The League of Legends meta keeps evolving and Patch 14.12 shook things up. In this article we will take a look at the best solo carry champions for free LP in Ranked. You can watch the video on this topic on GameLeap's YouTube Channel or take a look at all of the pro guides on our website!
Table of Contents
Top Lane Champions

Recently, Aatrox has made a significant comeback with a buff that shifted his healing to scale with bonus health, making him a super-healing bruiser:

Base Stats:
- Health Regeneration Growth: 1 ⇒ 0.5
- Armor Growth: 4.45 ⇒ 4.8

Umbral Dash (E)
- Healing: 18/19.5/21/22.5/24% ⇒ 16% (+0.9% bonus Health)
- Umbral Dash's healing is no longer increased by 20/24/28/32/36% during World Ender

World Ender (R)
- Increased Healing: 25/35/45% ⇒ 50/75/100%
Building items like Spirit Visage, and Undying Despair, along with his ultimate, which doubles his healing, makes him an insane opponent to go up against. You might want to play safe from levels 1-4, then start harassing under the turret once you get two points in Q. Watch out for Camille and ban her if possible.

Speaking of Camille, she's doing pretty good in the current meta. She remains strong, especially against Aatrox. Her versatility comes from her E, which allows for engagement, escapes, and roaming mid. Use this to your advantage by shoving your lane and helping secure kills mid. Her ability to scale into the late game makes her a top pick.
Mid Lane Champions

Vex has made a return to the mid-lane, thanks to the mobility meta with champions like Kayn and Hecarim. Her ability to peel off engaging supports like Leona and Alistar, along with her solid assassin capabilities, makes her a valuable pick. Play defensively, peel for your ADC, and use your passive and W to stop engagement effectively. She's also killing it as a jungler currently!

Despite no major changes in her itemization or stats, Ahri remains a strong pick in Ranked. Her new skin has caused some players to ban her in champ select, but she still performs well in the current meta. Just keep in mind that the Perma ban boycott is still going strong. Build her standard with items like Luden’s Echo and Lich Bane, and have a backup pick ready just in case.
Jungle Champions

Naafiri is a new addition to the jungle since the last patch. The recent buffs to her Q make her a viable option. Her ability to deal bonus damage to jungle monsters and lower cooldowns improve her clear speed:


We Are More (P)
- Packmate Attack Damage: 6-30 (based on level) (+4.5% bonus AD) ⇒ 12-32 (based on level) (+5% bonus AD)

Darkin Daggers (Q)
- Execute: 30-70 (based on level) vs Minions and Medium/Large Monsters ⇒ 30-70 (based on level) vs Minions and non-Epic Monsters
- Heal on Bleeding Target: Champions only ⇒ Champions and Large/Epic Monsters
- Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 ⇒ 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
Play patiently, holding onto your second Q to predict enemy movements and secure kills effectively.

Kha'Zix continues to dominate with his ability to snowball and one-shot squishy carries. In lower ELOs, builds like Eclipse into Ravenous Hydra are effective, while in higher ELOs, Umbral Glaive into Prowler's Claw is preferred for better vision control and setup plays.
ADC Champions

Ezreal is back in the Ranked meta with buffs to his Q and R:

Base Stats:
- Attack Damage Growth: 2.5 ⇒ 2.75

Mystic Shot (Q)
- Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% Total AD) (+15% AP) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+140% Total AD) (+15% AP)

Trueshot Barrage (R)
- Base Attack Damage: 325/500/675 (+100% Bonus AD) (+90% AP) ⇒ 350/550/750 (+100% Bonus AD) (+90% AP)
It's been a while since we've seen him on the Summoner's Rift since he had a bad start in Season 14. Keep in mind that his win rate is around 50%, indicating his performance relies heavily on player skill. The build is back to the classic Trinity Force, Muramana, and Lord Dominik's Regards. Focus on hitting the enemy front line rather than going for flashy plays to maximize your DPS.

Another champion who similarly to Ezreal was forgotten in the current meta until LoL Patch 14.12. Kai'Sa remains a versatile Ranked pick, especially with the new build path changes to Statikk Shiv. Use your Q to push waves and match wave clear. Scale up to Q evolve by reaching one full item and a pickaxe at level 8. Adjust your build to AD or AP based on your team’s needs and the enemy's resistance.
Support Champions

Yuumi is back in the meta, thanks to buffs to her E cooldown and R healing:


Zoomies (E)
- Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks

Final Chapter (R)
- Heal per Hit: 25/40/55 ⇒ 35/50/65
While still weak to hard engage, her ability to use triple defensive summoners (Barrier, Exhaust, Heal) allows for outplaying potential. She’s not at the top of the tier list but is steadily making a return. Did you miss this controversial LoL champion?

When hasn't Blitzcrank been an OP support pick for Ranked? He continues to be a strong pick, with his consistent presence in every support tier list. His ability to make impactful plays remains unrivaled. If you haven't picked him up yet, now's the time. The only downside is the high ban rate - lots of players are aware of how hard it is to play against Blitz.
And there you have it - the most OP LoL champion picks for every role. We wish you lots of luck in climbing Ranked, but it's not only about luck! Practicing and learning is the best way to see progress and the GameLeap site has the guides to level up your skills!