K'Sante Dominating Solo Queue
With K'Sante receiving buffs in Patch 13.21 to his passive, Q, W and R, the champion instantly increased his win rate which is currently hovering around 52%.
Riot decided to re-adjust the kit by rolling out this change:
- Q - Ntofo Strikes: Bonus health required for minimum cast time increased from 1200 to 1600.
The changes to his passive- Dauntless Instinct, were the biggest direct buffs of the patch, the mark damage got reduced from 130% total in All Out to 35% from the rework. So this buff is minor compared to what it was before, however when used in conjunction with the new CD refunding mechanic on his Ultimate- All Out, and his Q- Ntofo Strikes, and the permanent slows from his Q, his damage is much more consistent against mobile carries.
This has made K'Sante significantly easier to pilot for the average player, since he doesn’t have to rely on zero counterplay combos like tap W+Q3+R that require good mechanics and ping.
With shields being the most common form of damage mitigation in LoL, and most bruisers building Sterak's Gage, fighters being built around shields as well, and enchanters bufffing shields through their items. Receiving the full healing is a massive deal for K'Sante in skirmishes, since he’s taking a risk every time he uses his R.
The biggest buff, however, is K'Sante receiving updates to his AD in All Out from items like Gargoyle Stoneplate and to a lesser extent Jak'Sho. Gargoyle is a must buy on this champion, and the passive that grants extra Armor and MR with nearby enemies boosts his damage immensely, bringing up an already overpowered item synergy’s value.
All of these factors contribute to K'Sante going from the lowest win rate on top lane, to the highest win rate overnight. Hopefully this new change will balance out the champion.

Ivern and Daisy Working Together
Ivern also got some love in the hotfix:
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that would cause Rift Herald to ignore Daisy and aggro Ivern instead. No longer will Daisy go unnoticed. We love you Daisy.
We hope to see Ivern gain more popularity as the Enchanter buff in Patch 13.21 could bring The Green Father back on the Rift.
How the Community is Reacting to the K'Sante Changes
K'Sante has been a target of complaints, alluding to the infamous ShowMaker copypasta, being deemed one of the most overpowered and overtuned champions Riot Games has released recently. Players would be quick to point out that he is getting a new skin released soon so Rioters intentionally buffed him.
Very good nerf, I suspect that the reduction of HP needed to get good casting speed was the most underrated buff - no doubt that shaving it back will revert to a more reasonable winrate.
so it was 1800 to 1200 to 1600 HP
good hotfix nerf, now he won't reach the cap by 2 items if he goes gargoyle 3rd then he is missing out on capping the Q cast time unless hes like super f*cking good and got so many grasp procs
interested in how much this hits him WR wise
Man I just don’t get this champ. He has damn near 100% uptime on slows with Iceborn, multiple hard CC, damage reduction, shield, and a dash.
I feel like he wouldn’t be such a balance nightmare if he didn’t have every mechanic in the game in his kit.