It's time for the Top Lane Tier List, ranking League of Legends champions from best to worst in the current Patch 14.9. This guide will assist you in climbing Ranked effortlessly by selecting the most powerful toplaners in LoL.
With the top meta undergoing another shift by Riot Games, here are the top Top Picks for Ranked in League of Legends Season 14, Patch 14.9. Stay updated to dominate your games with the strongest champions in the top lane.
S+ Tier Top Champions:

Darius has once again risen to the very top as his lane presence coupled with his juggernaut qualities make him quite a formidable foe.

Camille is starting to see play once more as Riot tweaked her kit in Patch 14.7 by dissuading players from playing her as a support.

Mordekaiser is also starting to gain relevancy in the top lane as he can easily isolate carry champions from team fights whilst also having a somewhat reliable laning phase.

Malphite has always been a reliable tank and coupled with his lane harass, you can easily survive the laning phase so you can become an unstoppable menace to every squishy champion.

Fiora is once again making a comeback in the top lane, as this duelist excels at winning trades and offering a substantial amount of pressure on the side lanes, her kit allows her to excel at almost anything.
S-Tier Top Champions:

Sett has also returned to the top lane dominance, this beefy hunk can be quite the lane bully, allowing him to build tanky items for a very effective frontline come mid-to-late game.

This drunken rebel is also seeing a lot more play recently, his built-in sustain, coupled with his great magic damage make Gragas quite a threat in the top lane.

Urgot is seeing a revival, possibly due to the overabundance of melee-heavy top laners that look to trade often, you can easily harass any overly-aggressive players.

Nasus saw some slight buffs to his Q damage and healing so this might be enough to make him more viable when laning against stronger champions.

Trundle still is reliable in most situations, especially if your team is built around side lanes instead of traditional 5v5 fights.
A-Tier Top Champions:

Zac is slowly being pushed down as his passive healing and damage is not as significant when facing much stronger champions. Although the amount of CC is excellent if you are looking to engage in skirmishes and team fights, Zac has some minor weaknesses.

Kled is seeing a return with the recent item changes, making him quite an annoying duelist as you can easily abuse his passive to gain the upper hand in most trades.

Surprisingly, Teemo is also very favored this patch, as his annoying kit can ensure your opponent stays tilted, allowing you to gain priority and even go for some sneaky kills with your shrooms.

Despite lacking some of his power, Shen still remains a great pick that can help your team dive bot lane or simply allow you to do crossmap plays without having to sacrifice too much in return.

Singed has seen his ups and downs, and despite some recent adjustments to items, you can still be quite effective at wasting the enemy team's time by either proxying or distracting the enemies while your team goes for objectives.
B-Tier Top Champions:

Garen has fallen from glory, although remaining a very straightforward and easy-to-master champion, he can struggle to maintain relevancy if you are unable to get an early-game lead.

Volibear has seen greater days, as this frightening bear God has a couple of drawbacks that deny him from outright dominating your lane, but you can still get some easy tower dives if you have a decent jungler.

Vladimir is a decent pick, but you will have to wait until the mid-to-late game to unlock his potential and win team fights. If you fall behind, it will be difficult to remain relevant in the game.

Cho'Gath is neither great nor terrible. You can have a safer time laning with him while you slowly start building up your health pool and become a beefy frontline when fighting around objectives.

Yorick has seen better days, and although your only reliable build will be centered around lethality, you can still dish out a lot of damage and be a menacing side laner.
C-Tier Top Champions:

Renekton has drastically fallen off due to his terrible scaling and very coinflip playstyle in the early game. If your opponent is smart, he will not trade with you, and simply burn you out until you become irrelevant in the mid-to-late game.

Sion's playstyle is not as effective anymore given how easy it is to ignore his proxies and just focus on objectives on skirmishes. Although his innate tankiness can be quite helpful, ultimately, you are better off picking other champions that contribute a lot more to your composition.

Lee Sin
Lee Sin is seeing some play, but his damage does not make up for the lack of sustain options, coupled with his inability to fully benefit from this explosive and highly-mobile kit, you'd be better off playing him as a jungler.
Patch 14.9 has brought significant changes to the meta as many players are still trying to find the best builds for their favorite champions. It will probably take some time before Riot Games can fully balance the game to accommodate the massive changes that were introduced in Season 14.
You can also check out our other LoL tier lists, here: