No Rest for the Wicked is a game of many secrets, and you can clearly see some of the Dark Souls inspiration behind the level and world design. All of the different areas in the game are filled with vertical layers, shortcuts, and secrets, which makes exploration very rewarding. The game also does a great job at letting you create your own map in your head about the fastest way to traverse around the region. Some of the secrets in these areas can be hard to uncover, and one of the first ones you will encounter is the mysterious door in the western side of the Mariner's Keep region.
In order to open this door, you are going to have to obtain the Western Bridge Key, which is very difficult to find, as it requires you to start a certain quest in order for it to appear on the map. In this article, we are going to show you where you can find the Western Bridge Key, so you can finally open the door.

No Rest for the Wicked: Western Bridge Key Location
In order for the Western Bridge Key to actually spawn on the map, you are going to have to begin the 'Innkeeper's Husband' quest. This quest becomes available once you enter the town of Sacrament for the first time, after defeating Warrick the Torn. Head over to the southern side of the city, just below the general marketplace, and you will find Caroline the innkeeper. She will have a quest marker above her head, and once you speak to her, she will tell you that she is worried about her husband not returning from Mariner's Keep, at which point the 'Innkeeper's Husband' quest will begin.

Once you have picked up the quest, you are going to be able to see a new exclamation point on the map, which is going to show you the location of her husband, Gordon. This is a location that you might have visited in the past, but the area changes a bit once you speak to Caroline and begin the quest. Head over to the west side of the Shallows and climb up the two ladders that are in the tower with the Whisper in it. Once you jump across the bridge, you are going to find Gordon, who is stranded and requires your help in order to return to Sacrament.

Right next to Gordon, you are going to be able to find the Western Bridge Key, and you will finally be able to open the mysterious door in Mariner's Keep. By opening the door, you are going to find a new region, which will eventually lead you to the ladder on the other side of Gordon. By kicking down the ladder and speaking to him, you will complete the quest, and Gordon will become a food vendor in the city of Sacrament. Make sure to upgrade his kitchen through the building projects, as he is one of the most important vendors in the game! Here is a quick summary on how you can complete the quest:
- Reach the city of Sacrament.
- Speak to Caroline.
- Begin the 'Innkeeper's Husband' quest.
- Go back to the bridge in the western part of the Shallows.
- Speak to Gordon and grab the Western Bridge Key.
- Reach Gordon through the door in Mariner's Keep.

That is everything you need to know about finding the Western Bridge Key and completing the 'Innkeeper's Husband' quest in No Rest for the Wicked. Hopefully, you didn't bang your head against the wall searching for it at the start of the game, as the key is impossible to get until you reach the city of Sacrament. If you are interested in more No Rest for the Wicked news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!