No Rest for the Wicked has finally entered its early access stage, and players are now able to experience Moon Studios' first venture into the ARPG genre. From a combat system that reminds you of FromSoftware's greatest hits to crafting and housing reminiscent of Terraria, the game wears all of its inspirations on its sleeve.
No Rest for the Wicked has so many different items to loot, from equipment for your character to crafting resources for the city of Sacrament, that you might even run into some inventory issues. One of these items is called a Fallen Ember, and players might find a few of them even in the earlier stages of the game... but what can you use them for? In this article, we are going to explain what Fallen Embers are used for, so you can understand their value and figure out whether or not you should keep them or sell them.

What are Fallen Embers Used For in No Rest for the Wicked?
Fallen Embers in No Rest for the Wicked are used to enter the Cerim Crucible endgame dungeon, which becomes accessible after completing the main story quest in the current early access build. You can find the dungeon in the stone mason's shop on the northwest side of the city of Sacrament. You are able to enter the building as soon as you enter the city, but you will only be able to begin the dungeon once you have completed the main story.
The Cerim Crucible dungeon consists of a few different floors filled with elite enemies, and you go further down each time you successfully clear an area. The dungeon is completed once you reach the last floor and defeat the Echo Knight boss fight. Dying in the Cerim Crucible dungeon returns you back to the stone mason's shop, and you have to start all over again, similar to a roguelike game. You have to offer one Fallen Ember for each attempt at completing the Cerim Crucible dungeon.

Fallen Embers are a universal drop within the game, and they can be obtained by defeating enemies, opening chests, and they can also be available for purchase in the general goods store in Sacrament. The game is quite generous when it comes to dropping Fallen Embers, and most players are likely to have dozens of them by the time they actually reach the end of the story. We don't recommend selling them, as the Cerim Crucible dungeon is currently the only endgame content in the No Rest for the Wicked early access.
That is everything you need to know about the mysterious Fallen Embers in No Rest for the Wicked. Hopefully, you didn't sell all of your Fallen Embers, as the Cerim Crucible dungeon is one of the best ways to test your character's build in the later stages of the game. For more No Rest for the Wicked news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!