With more than 800 champions in RAID: Shadow Legends, we have compiled a tier list as a general guide to help players understand the relative standings of champions based on their performance across the various contents of RAID: Shadow Legends. However, it's important to remember that the game's meta can shift with updates, and the effectiveness of champions can vary based on individual account progress, team compositions, and specific game modes. Always consider your unique situation and the specific challenges you face when selecting champions for your team.
- S Tier Champions
- A Tier Champions
- B Tier Champions
- C Tier Champions
- D Tier Champions
- E Tier Champions
- F Tier Champions
Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:
- 1 Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
- 10x XP Brews!
The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
If you are new to RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive two free champions - Vergis and Tayrel - in addition to some other goodies that will help make your journey easier.
S Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
Champions in this tier are exceptional in multiple aspects of the game. They offer unmatched utility, damage, or support capabilities that make them top choices for any team composition. These champions excel in all game modes, providing significant advantages in battle.
A Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
Champions in this tier are highly effective and can be key components in many strategies. They perform excellently in specific areas or roles and can dominate in certain game modes or teams.
B Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
Champions in this category are average. They can be useful in specific game modes or as fillers when better options are not available. While not the optimal choice, they can still contribute to a team and offer progression until you find a superior replacement.
C Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
These champions are below average and are outclassed by those in higher tiers. They might have niche uses in specific Dungeons or PvP teams, but are often replaced over time due to their limited impact.
D Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
Champions in this tier are considered weak, with better alternatives available for almost any role they might fill. They are rarely used in competitive team compositions.
- Wyrennon
- Kinagashi
- Little Miss Annie
- Flannan
- Loriaca
- Minaya
- Gala
- Draconis
- Avir
- Mezomel - Base
- Drokgul
- Raf-Matab
- Sanguinia
- Lady Annabelle
- Rugnor
- Ursine Ironhide
- Gory
- Juliana
- Lorn
- Suiren
- Odachi
- Harvest Jack
- Merouka
- Mountain King
- Yelagirna
- Sir Artimage
- Castigator
- Balthus
- Bovos
- Master Butcher
- Anchorite
- Aeshma
- Narma
- Roric
- Liburga
- Fren'zi
- Arndulf
- Tagoar
- Eolfrig
- Painsmith
- Duedan
- Andryssia
- Gerhard
- Opardin
- Necrohunter
- Tatsu
- Saito
- Kurzad
- Jingwon
- Karnage - Base
- Duhr
- Nogdar
- Masamoto
- Cait
- Arix
- Gravechill
- Var-Gall
- Dilgol
- Urticata
- Ailil
- Aeila
- Gamuran
- Corpse Collector
- Suwai
- Pharsalas
- Bulwark
- Jailer
- Tomoe
- Ilysinya
- Hoforees
- Shamrock
- Siegfrund - Base
- Rearguard Sergeant
- Ambassador Lethelin
- Knott
- Geargrinder
- Valla
- Selinia
- Samar
- Cromax
- Rock Breaker
- Giscard
- Locwain
- Quargan
- Guurda
- Cormac
- Dagger
- Carlinia
- Suzerain Katonn
- Misericord
E Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
Very weak champions with little to no viability in competitive play. These champs are almost always used as food outside of niche early-game scenarios.
- Adjudicator
- Arbalester
- Archer
- Ashwalker
- Assassin
- Baerdal
- Beast Wrestler
- Bergoth
- Bloodmask
- Bloatwraith
- Bombardier
- Boltsmith
- Branchweaver
- Cagebound
- Cagebreaker
- Candleguard
- Cataphract
- Centurion
- Chopper
- Commander
- Conquerer
- Conscript
- Courtier
- Crossbowman
- Cudgeler
- Daywalker
- Death Hound
- Deathchanter
- Deathknight
- Dolor
- Dunestrider
- Elder
- Elfguard
- Enda
- Eviscerator
- Excruciator
- Fanatic
- Fang Cleric
- Fencer
- Fearmonger
- Flesheater
- Flailer
- Flinger
- Frostbringer
- Furystoker
- Galek
- Ginro
- Gloril
- Goremask
- Grandmaster
- Grinner
- Grimskin
- Grumbler
- Grunch
- Ghoulish Ranger
- Halberdier
- Haruspex
- Harvester
- Hatchet Slinger
- Headsman
- Hellfreak
- Hellfang
- Hexia
- Hexweaver
- Hill Nomad
- Honor Guard
- Huntress
- Hurler
- Hyria
- Ifrit
- Infiltrator
- Itinerant
- Jizoh
- Judge
- Judicator
- Justiciar
- Knight-Errant
- Lamellar
- Lamibur
- Lady Etessa
- Lifetaker
- Line Infantry
- Lumberer
- Madman
- Magister
- Magmablood
- Magus
- Maiden
- Marauder
- Marksman
- Marked
- Medicus
- Militia
- Mycolus
- Oldbeard
- Ordinator
- Outrider
- Ox
- Panthera
- Penitent
- Perforator
- Petrifya
- Pigsticker
- Pit Cur
- Pitspawn
- Pounder
- Preserver
- Prundar
- Prosecutor
- Quaestor
- Ragemonger
- Raider
- Ranger
- Renouncer
- Ripperfist
- Ripper
- Riscarm
- Rocktooth
- Romero
- Rotting Mage
- Ruffstone
- Runic Warder
- Sanctum Protector
- Scion
- Scrapper
- Seneschal
- Sentinel
- Siegebreaker
- Skink
- Skirmisher
- Slasher
- Slayer
- Slitherbrute
- Sniper
- Snorting Thug
- Sorceress
- Spymaster
- Steadfast Marshal
- Steel Bowyer
- Stitched Beast
- Stout Axeman
- Swordsman
- Terrorbeast
- Teshada
- Theurgist
- Theresc
- Tolf
- Tolog
- Tormentor
- Totem
- Tracker
- Trugorr
- Twinclaw
- Umetogi
- Ursine Icecrusher
- Vanguard
- Vildrax
- Wagonbane
- Wanderer
- Warpriest
- Witness
- Wyvernbane
- Yeoman
- Zii
F Tier Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends
The lowest tier, reserved for champions that find use only as food. Never invest resources into leveling these champions.
- Drillmaster
- Cultist
- Warboy
- Magekiller
- Frontline Warrior
- Crusader
- Avenger
- Intercessor
- Admonitor
- Malbranche
- Head Taker
- Stalwart
- Thrasher
- Slicer
- Vigilante
- Aristocrat
- Pilgrim
- Sergeant
- Chemist
- Frostskin
- Skullsquire
- Sister Militant
- Skellag
- Thrall
- Jaeger
- Dead Crusader
- Bandit
- Battle Sister
- Incubus
- Dervish
- Harrier
- Lemure
- Duelist
- Dhampir
- Novitiate
- Heartpiercer
- Warchanter
- Solaris
- Brute
- Lurker
- Tunnel Steward
- Skinner
- Satyr
- Sandbow
- Icebound
- Crusher
- Axeman
- Ritualist
- Suntribe
- Windtalker
- Pit Fighter
- Pikeman
- Hungerer
- Throatcutter
- Redeemer
- Stalker
- Outlander
- Squire
- Spiritwalker
- Bloodhorn
- Vulpine
- Spikehead
- Word Bearer
- Bully
- Vilespawn
- Preacher
- Troglodyte
- Knecht
- Hardscale
- Hellhound
- Herald
And that concludes our tier list of all the champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. Remember, the key to success lies not just in having top-tier heroes, but also in how you use them. Experiment with different combinations, adapt your strategy to the battle at hand, and don't be afraid to level up a lower-tier hero if they fit your playstyle or fill a gap in your team.
Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:
- 1 Energy Potion
- 100k Silver
- 10x XP Brews!
The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.
If this guide has been helpful, check out our other RAID: Shadow Legends guides:
- RAID Shadow Legends: Beginner Tips and Tricks
- RAID Shadow Legends: Best Uncommon Champions List
- RAID Shadow Legends: Best Early Game Champion Team
- RAID Shadow Legends: 5 Beginner Mistakes You Must Avoid
- RAID Shadow Legends: 8 Best Rare Champions Every Account Should 6-Star
- RAID Shadow Legends: Every Free Legendary Champion and How to Get
- RAID Shadow Legends: Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build
- RAID Shadow Legends: New Promo Codes in March 2024