It appears that Valorant is currently facing a queue-dodging crisis, and fans are flooding the Internet with complaints on the matter. Of course, players leaving matches right before the start of a game is nothing new. There are some games that even take special precautions against similar actions by adding the option to connect a new teammate during a match in case someone has left before the start.
However, tactical multiplayer games such as Dota, Counter-Strike, and League of Legends require a good amount of commitment to play, and if a player decides to leave before the beginning of a match, the game is automatically canceled. If the same thing happens during action, one team usually ends up surrendering. And the same applies to Valorant.
Valorant Queue-Dodging Issue Reviews

Currently, it seems like Valorant has a serious problem with players leaving matches before even locking in an Agent. And since Valorant depends mostly on cooperative efforts, playing the game becomes pointless if there is nobody to play with. Ever since the release of Patch 9.0, fans have been complaining that the only games they can find are on Icebox and Abyss, while every other map results in a dodged game.
Why do people keep dodging every map except for Icebox and Abyss? They put Haven back into the rotation and I would really enjoy playing it again if you'd let me play anything but the same two maps, please.
Reddit user, davidshawtyfan67438
Many people responded to the post by explaining the reasons behind dodging and asking Riot Games to implement some mechanics from Counter-Strike 2, such as choosing the map by yourself at the beginning of every match. Let's take a look at some of the solutions offered by fans.
Valorant Queue-Dodging Potential Solutions

Many Valorant players pointed out that they would like to vote ahead of the match on which map they want to play on instead of just entering a lobby and having the map already selected for them automatically by the game. They also added that if CS2 players can choose the maps before searching for a match, Riot Games should really think about implementing that method as well. Other suggestions included a confirmation button similar to the one in League of Legends.
Players would have to prove they are still on their devices and that they are ready to play before entering the lobby. Additionally, some fans were asking for harsher penalties for those who consistently leave the queue, with suspensions getting longer for each infraction. Although Riot Games has many important issues to fix, fans are hoping that they will see some solutions for the queue-dodging crisis in the next Patch. For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.