Without a doubt, Valorant Patch 8.11 brought revolutionary changes to the game. Five Agents received major buffs and nerfs, and a brand-new map called Abyss was added to the map pool. However, with so many new improvements, mistakes are bound to happen. Although Patch 8.11 has been around for just a few days, fans have already discovered a few unintentional buffs and some bugs here and there.
Neon is currently a little bit too powerful, and Phoenix's special ability allows him to survive the depths of the Abyss map. Fans from all over the world are expressing their thoughts about the new order in Valorant on multiple platforms, and we can't wait to share the latest news with you! Make yourselves comfortable, and let's jump into the details.
Valorant Patch 8.11 Iso Buffs

Ever since the release of Valorant, Iso has been a low-tier Agent and nobody's go-to character in the game. However, the new Patch 8.11 switched things up completely, making him climb up the charts quickly, transforming from a D-Tier Agent into an S-Tier Agent. Iso received some massive improvements, such as an amazing upgrade to his Double Tap ability.
He can now activate Double Tap's shield after a one-second animation, and it has two charges instead of one. The shield can also absorb one instance of damage from any source, so players can now stop anything that comes their way. Valorant fans have already started to realize just how huge this buff is, and the Internet is flooded with comments on the matter.
Valorant Patch 8.11 Iso Buffs Review

Although the buffs that Iso was given by Riot Games seemed pretty reasonable at first, fans are starting to notice that Iso might be disrupting the balance in Valorant. Many people expressed their dissatisfaction with how powerful the developers have made Iso, and they demand nerfs as soon as possible.
If my team doesn't play Iso, we lose, if both teams play Iso, they will both have over 30 kills easily. Playing against Iso on defense is the worst thing ever.
Reddit user, Ihavedepression00
Many players and even the German CGN Esports begged Riot Games to immediately nerf Iso, stating that only the sound of Iso's shield activation triggers intense fear, and even the weakest Valorant player can get over 30 kills with him. In the beginning, everyone was convinced that Neon's buffs would change Valorant as we know it, but it turns out that Iso's buffs are the real game-changer.

Although many Valorant players cannot stand the new buffs that Iso received, others seem to be more than happy about them, claiming that the improvements were well-deserved and eagerly anticipated by the community. According to the posts, some variety in the S-Tier category was much needed.
These buffs are more than warranted, both of them have been expected with Iso literally at the bottom of the Agent food chain for a very long time. I'm so glad that the duelist class is not just Jett/Reyna/Raze anymore.
Reddit user, JackIsntTheBox
It looks like many Valorant players consider Iso's new buffs refreshing, at least in ranked games. Although there are 24 characters to choose from in Valorant, the game was definitely lacking when it came to diversity, due to the fact that people would always choose the same three or four characters.
Valorant Episode 9 Act 1

Achieving a balanced gameplay experience for all Valorant fans is an extremely difficult task, especially when there are so many new changes happening at once. It is still unclear whether Riot Games will nerf Iso in Patch 9.0 or if they will simply buff other characters so they will be able to compete with him.
Riot Games definitely has a lot of issues to fix before the release of Episode 9 Act 1, such as all the bugs that were discovered recently and the buffs accidentally given to some of the Agents. We remain hopeful that the next Patch 9.0 will bring more changes to the table by either reversing some of the current buffs or improving other characters, so we can have fair and balanced games. For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.